Expat Capital erbjuder CEE Equity Index ETFs

Expat Capital erbjuder CEE Equity Index ETFs

Expat Capital är ett Sofia-baserat kapitalförvaltningsbolag som erbjuder investerare en familj av unika börshandlade fonder baserat på de stora aktiemarknadsindexen. Till exempel CEE Equity Index ETFs. Koncernen driver specifikt ETFs baserat på de ledande länderna i Polen: Bulgarien; Slovakien; Slovenien; Tjeckien; Grekland; Makedonien; Kroatien, Serbien; Ungern och Rumänien.

CEE-regionen var undertäckt

”För två år sedan, när vi gick över universum av finansiella instrument, insåg vi att CEE-regionen var undertäckt och bestämde att vi kunde börja skapa ETF så att internationella investerare kunde bygga en portfölj enligt deras diversifieringsbehov och krav” säger hon.

Zhasmina Ivanova, Portföljchef hos Expat Capital, förklarar att företagets kärnverksamhet är att hantera tillgångar till kunder från 50 länder över hela världen och investerar i ett brett utbud av finansiella instrument.

ETF: erna handlas på Frankfurtbörsen och ETF följer huvudindexet i Sofia, Expat Bulgaria SOFIX UCITS ETF, är också noterat på Londonbörsen LSE, London Stock Exchange.

”Det har varit en lång resa eftersom regionen har sin börser med flera utbyten, valutor, språk och avvecklingssystem”, säger Ivanova. ”Du måste veta hur man hanterar alla dessa problem. Vi har nu den infrastrukturen och är väl positionerade i regionen, men det hände inte på en dag. Det har varit en brant inlärningskurva. Höga inträdeshinder för dessa marknader och en rad tekniska problem håller stora ETF-leverantörer borta. ”

Institutionella investerare som vill investera i Expat CEE ETF-sortimentet kan investera direkt på primärmarknaden, prenumerera eller köpa in via fondförvaltaren eller genom auktoriserade deltagare (AP).

Bättre och djupare likviditet

”Detta ger dem möjlighet att investera stora summor pengar utan att oroa sig för att det kommer att finnas tillräckligt med likviditet på sekundär marknaden”, säger Ivanova. ”Det ger bättre och djupare likviditet så att de inte behöver oroa sig för att investera eller avyttra snabbt om det behövs.”

Med direkt tillgång till den primära marknaden är det viktigt för investerare att storleken på den underliggande marknaden, och inte storleken på den börshandlade fonden själv. Indexmarknadsvärdet på de underliggande marknaderna varierar från 2 miljarder euro till 80 miljarder euro. Detta gör det möjligt för Expats ETF att enkelt absorbera abonnemangs- och inlösenorder i miljoner euro när som helst, säger Ivanova.

En annan innovation Expat Capital infört är institutionella investerares förmåga att avveckla primärmarknadsorder i kontanter snarare än genom en värdepapperskorg utan tilläggsavgift för valet att teckna eller lösa in pengar. Detta är viktigt för marknader där inte många investerare har direkt tillgång och kan handla och behålla de underliggande värdepapper som krävs för indexkorgen, förklarar Ivanova.

En enorm investering

”När vi startade vår första ETF, var vi oroliga ör vad som skulle hända om vi hade en enorm investering på några miljoner euro. Det hände två månader efter att vi lanserade SOFIX index ETF, säger Ivanova.

Likviditet var en första oro eftersom marknadsvärdet av utbytet i Sofia, till och med nu, är 1,7 miljarder euro vilket gör det mindre än de andra. En abonnemangsorder uppgick till 10 miljoner euro på en enda dag.

”Vi insåg att det här är ganska möjligt och lyckades göra det utan att skapa en bubbla eftersom det på gränsmarknaden finns många investerare som inte deltar aktivt på börsen varje dag”, förklarar Ivanova.

”De handlar när de ser något som händer, som vår ETF, de hoppar snabbt in och ger den likviditeten. De sålde sina underliggande indexaktier och några köpte ETF, och när vi behövde köpa några beståndsdelar i indexet kunde vi göra det eftersom de var öppna för det. Vi kunde också enkelt ombalansera ETF med justeringar i indexet vid flera tillfällen, vilket krävde försäljning av spännande beståndsdelar och inköp av nya aktörer, varje position värd några miljoner euro, inom en enda dag. ”

Den här dolda likviditeten svarar på vad Ivanova kallar ett ”wake-up” -samtal, vilket utnyttjar lokala detaljhandel och andra investerare.

Expat ETF-sortimentet är öppet för institutionella och detaljhandelsinvesterare som vill ha tillgång till marknaderna i Central- och Östeuropa, med en BNP-tillväxt på 201 procent på 4 procent i jämförelse med Tyskland, till exempel med 2,5 procent enligt IMFs uppskattningar.

Bulgarien steg med 40 procent

”Marknadsvärdet på indexet i Bulgarien ökade med 40 procent under de första 12 månaderna efter ETF-lanseringen och den genomsnittliga dagliga volymen tredubblades”, säger Ivanova. ”Ju mindre marknaden, desto större effekt kommer ett index ETF att ha på det. Vi försöker att replikera den effekten för övriga marknader vi följer. Det är inte ett exempel på en bubbla, utan en stadig förbättring av börsen själv. Vägarna för kapitalflöden som kopplar de lokala börserna till marknaderna i Frankfurt och London, som vi har byggt med dessa ETF, är till nytta för såväl lokala som utländska investerare. ”

DWS expands Xtrackers Core range with addition of Europe ex-UK ETF

New ETF provides exposure to developed market Europe equities ex-UK at a highly competitive annual all-in fee of 0.09%

Expansion of range of Xtrackers Core ETFs

DWS has expanded its range of Core Xtrackers with the addition of an exchange-traded fund (ETF) providing exposure to Europe ex-UK equities.

The Xtrackers S&P Europe Ex UK UCITS ETF* targets large and mid-cap exposure across developed markets in Europe, minus the UK, with the underlying index comprised of 379 companies (Source: DWS, S&P as of 18 January, 2019). The ETF is a direct, physical replication fund and has a highly competitive annual all-in fee of 0.09%.

Companies in the underlying index come from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

“We see demand for an asset allocation tool for Europe ex-UK equity exposure expanding, and with our new ETF having a notably low annual all-in fee versus competitor products, we expect to attract a significant number of investors,” said Michael Mohr, Head of ETF Product Development.

The new ETF has listed on the London Stock Exchange and has been added to the Xtrackers Core ETF range, which comprises ETFs tracking major equity and bond market indices with low annual all-in fees. All ETFs in the Core range use direct, physical replication.

For further information please contact:

John Ferry
Phone: +44 (0) 7989726985
E-Mail: john.ferry@dws.com

*A sub-fund of Xtrackers (IE) plc.

Product Details

Name of ETF: Xtrackers S&P Europe Ex UK UCITS ETF
Fund Currency: EUR
Listing Currency: GBP
Annual All-in Fee: 0.09%
Physical/Synthetic: Physical
UCITS Compliant: Yes

DWS Group

DWS Group (DWS) is one of the world’s leading asset managers with EUR 692bn of assets under management (as of 30 September 2018). Building on more than 60 years of experience and a reputation for excellence in Germany and across Europe, DWS has come to be recognized by clients globally as a trusted source for integrated investment solutions, stability and innovation across a full spectrum of investment disciplines.

We offer individuals and institutions access to our strong investment capabilities across all major asset classes and solutions aligned to growth trends. Our diverse expertise in Active, Passive and Alternatives asset management – as well as our deep environmental, social and governance focus – complement each other when creating targeted solutions for our clients. Our expertise and on-the-ground-knowledge of our economists, research analysts and investment professionals are brought together in one consistent global CIO View, which guides our strategic investment approach.

DWS wants to innovate and shape the future of investing: with approximately 3,600 employees in offices all over the world, we are local while being one global team.

Key risks

Investors should note that the Xtrackers UCITS ETFs are not capital protected or guaranteed and investors should be prepared and able to sustain losses of the capital invested up to a total loss.

Shares in the Xtrackers UCITS ETFs which are purchased on the secondary market cannot usually be sold directly back to the relevant fund. Investors must purchase and redeem such shares on the secondary market with the assistance of an intermediary (e.g. a market maker or a stock broker) and may incur fees for doing so (as further described in the applicable prospectus). In addition, investors may pay more than the current net asset value of a share in a Xtrackers UCITS ETF when buying shares on the secondary market, and may receive less than the current net asset value when selling such shares on the secondary market.

Investments in funds involve numerous risks including, among others, general market risks, credit risks, foreign exchange risks, interest rate risks and liquidity risks. The value of an investment in a Xtrackers UCITS ETF may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the full amount of their original investment.

Important Notice

This press release has been issued in the UK and approved by DWS Investments UK Limited. DWS Investments UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Any reference to “DWS”, “Deutsche Asset Management” or “Deutsche AM” shall, unless otherwise required by the context, be understood as a reference to DWS Investments UK Limited including any of its parent companies, any of its or its parents affiliates or subsidiaries and, as the case may be, any investment companies promoted or managed by any of those entities.

Past performance is not a guide for future returns.

Xtrackers UCITS ETFs are all ETFs of one of the following platforms: Xtrackers, Xtrackers II or Xtrackers (IE) plc.

Xtrackers, Xtrackers II and Xtrackers (IE) plc are undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and set up as open-ended investment companies with variable capital and segregated liability between their respective compartments.

Xtrackers and Xtrackers II are incorporated in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, are registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies’ Register under number B-119.899 (Xtrackers) and B-124.284 (Xtrackers II) respectively and have their registered office at 49, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg. Xtrackers (IE) plc is incorporated in Ireland with registered number 393802 and has its registered office at 78 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland.

DWS Investment S.A. acts as the management company of Xtrackers, Xtrackers II and Xtrackers (IE) plc.

The information contained in this document is provided for information purposes only. Any investment decision in relation to an Xtrackers ETF should be based solely on the latest version of the prospectus, the audited annual and, if more recent, un-audited semi-annual reports and the Key Investor Information Document (KIID), all of which are available in English upon request or on www.Xtrackers.com. In the case of any inconsistency with the prospectus, the latest version of the prospectus shall prevail.

© DWS Investments UK Limited 2019.

How currency movements can impact ETP returns

Constructing a portfolio with a mix of domestic and international assets has never been easier due to the wide range of Exchange-Traded Products (ETPs) that are now available to investors on exchange. However, when investing in ETPs, it’s important to realise that you could be exposed to currency risk, as currency movements can have a significant impact on ETP returns.

In this article, we’ll explain how currencies in ETPs work and look at how currency movements can affect ETP returns.

Multiple currencies

If you’re interested in investing in ETPs, you may have noticed that there are often different currencies associated with the same ETP.

For example, an ETP tracking the S&P 500 – an index that is quoted in US Dollars – could be traded on the London Stock Exchange in Pound Sterling. The reason that ETPs are often traded in multiple currencies and on different exchanges across the world is that it provides investors with the opportunity to buy ETPs efficiently through their own local exchanges. While this is an advantage for investors, multiple currencies also introduce currency risk.

Understanding the risk

When it comes to understanding ETP currency risk, the first step is to determine where currency exchange rates can have an impact on the product valuation, and thus on performance calculation.

  • Investor’s currency: in what currency do you calculate your overall performance?
  • Trading currency: what currency does the ETP trades in?
  • NAV currency: what currency is the ETP’s NAV (Net Asset Value) calculated in?
  • Underlying components trading currencies: what is the trading currency of the portfolio constituents?

Assuming an exact same composition between the underlying index and the ETP, when comparing the underlying index performance with the performance experienced by investing in the ETP, you must realise that:

  • The constituents trading currencies is the same in both the index and the ETP
  • No currency impact here at this level
  • The ETP’s NAV and trading currency, as well as the investor’s currency can be different from the index calculation currency
  • Can have currency impact on performance calculation

As an example, a EUR investor wants to buy a 3x short 10-year US Treasuries ETP on Borsa Italiana. She buys an ETP trading in EUR, while its NAV would be computed in USD, and the underlying instrument (10-year US Treasuries) trading currency would also be in USD.

Once you know the currencies that you are dealing with, you can analyse how currency movements may affect performance. This investor would then be penalised by USD depreciation as it would erode the EUR value of the ETP. On the other hand, she would benefit from USD appreciation.

Here’s an example of how currency movements could impact the returns from a 3x short 10-year US Treasuries ETP traded on the Borsa Italiana.

Currency impact on performance: An example

In Figure 1 below, we present a hypothetical example that shows the daily movement of the ETP’s NAV in US Dollars, as well as the daily change in the EURUSD exchange rate. The NAV currency of the ETP is the US Dollar, but as it’s listed on Borsa Italiana, it’s traded in Euros.

Figure 1. ETP NAV movements and EURUSD fluctuations

Source: WisdomTree, illustrative example. You cannot invest in an index. Historical performance is not an indication of future results and any investments may go down in value.

The table shows that the Euro NAV price of the ETP is affected by both the change in the ETP’s NAV price in US Dollars and the EURUSD exchange rate.

Over the four-day period, the NAV in US Dollars was unchanged overall, i.e. 0.0% performance in USD. However, over the period the USD appreciated from 1.15 to 1.10 USD per Euro, so an investor who purchased the ETP in Euros would have seen an overall return of 4.5% (€90.9 end value vs. €87.0 start value), as a result of the change in the exchange rate.

Impact of currency movements over time

Figure 2 below shows how currency movements can have a significant cumulative effect over time, looking at the performance of that same 3x short 10-year US Treasuries ETP.

Figure 2. Currency moves can have a significant impact on returns: 2017 example

Source: WisdomTree, Bloomberg. You cannot invest in an index. Historical performance is not an indication of future results and any investments may go down in value.

As you can see, the cumulative NAV return in US Dollars was -5.5% over the period. But a significant depreciation of the USD vs. the Euro resulted in a NAV return in Euros of -15.0%, a considerable 9.5% return difference.


Whenever investing, currency is likely going to have an impact on your portfolio’s performance, unless underlying, NAV, trading and reporting currencies are all the same. Understanding where this impact lies is important, as it allows you to better understand the potential risks arising from currency exchange movements, which can significantly support or dampen returns.


The content on this document is issued by WisdomTree UK Ltd (“WTUK”), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”). Our Conflicts of Interest Policy and Inventory are available on request.

For professional clients only. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Any historical performance included on this document may be based on back testing. Back testing is the process of evaluating an investment strategy by applying it to historical data to simulate what the performance of such strategy would have been. Back tested performance is purely hypothetical and is provided on this document solely for informational purposes. Back tested data does not represent actual performance and should not be interpreted as an indication of actual or future performance. The value of any investment may be affected by exchange rate movements. Any decision to invest should be based on the information contained in the appropriate prospectus and after seeking independent investment, tax and legal advice. These products may not be available in your market or suitable for you. The content of this document does not constitute investment advice nor an offer for sale nor a solicitation of an offer to buy any product or make any investment.

The Evolution of Disruptive Technology ETFs

The Evolution of Disruptive Technology ETFs

The Evolution of Disruptive Technology ETFs Battery Tech, E-commerce & Pharma Breakthrough

As we enter 2018 disruption is becoming more mainstream in society, a trend we believe to be a potential engine of growth for investors.
ETF Securities is expanding its Future Present range of disruptive technology ETFs with three new products designed to capture exposure to growing technology sectors:

ETFS Battery Value-Chain GO UCITS ETF

Offers exposure to companies driving the growth of energy storage solutions worldwide.

ETFS Ecommerce Logistics GO UCITS ETF

Offers exposure to companies that are facilitating the logistics of ecommerce.

ETFS Pharma Breakthrough GO UCITS ETF

Offers exposure to companies that are engaged in the R&D and/or manufacturing of drugs that combat rare disease.

These new disruptive technology ETFs are available today on the London Stock Exchange with listings on Deutsche Borse and Borsa Italiana expected to follow soon.

To find out more about our Future Present products visit our website:

For more information contact:

Catarina Donat Marques
ETF Securities (UK) Limited
T +44 20 7448 4386
E catarina.donatmarques@etfsecurities.com

Important information:

This communication has been issued and approved by ETF Securities (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority.

This communication is only targeted at qualified or professional investors.

The fund(s) discussed in this communication are issued by GO UCITS ETF Solutions Plc (the ”Company”). The Company is an open-ended investment company with variable capital having segregated liability between its sub-funds and is organised under the laws of Ireland. The Company is regulated, and has been authorised as a UCITS by the Central Bank of Ireland pursuant to the European Communities (Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations, 2003 and is structured as an umbrella company with multiple sub-funds.

Investments may go up or down in value and you may lose some or all of the amount invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. The information contained in this communication is neither an offer for sale nor a solicitation of an offer to buy securities nor shall any securities be offered or sold to any person in any jurisdiction in which an offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities law of such jurisdiction. This communication should not be used as the basis for any investment decision. You should consult an independent investment adviser prior to making any investment in order to determine its suitability to your circumstances.

The ETFS Battery Value-Chain GO UCITS ETF (the “Fund”) is not sponsored, promoted, sold or supported by Solactive AG.

Nor does Solactive AG offer any express or implicit guarantee or assurance either with regard to the results of using the Index and/or Index trade mark or the Index price, at any time or in any other respect. The Solactive Battery Value-Chain Index (the “Index”) is calculated and published by Solactive AG. Solactive AG uses its best efforts to ensure that the Index is calculated correctly. Irrespective of its obligations towards the Company, Solactive AG has no obligation to point out errors in the Index to third parties including, but not limited to, investors and/or financial intermediaries of the Fund.

Solactive AG does not guarantee the accuracy and/or the completeness of the Index or any related data, and shall not have any liability for any errors, omissions or interruptions therein. Neither publication of the Index by Solactive AG, nor the licensing of the Index or Index trade mark, for the purpose of use in connection with the Fund, constitutes a recommendation by Solactive AG to invest capital in said Fund nor does it, in any way, represent an assurance or opinion of Solactive AG with regard to any investment in this Fund. In no event shall Solactive AG have any liability for any lost profits or indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages or losses, even if notified of the possibility thereof.

The ETFS Pharma Breakthrough GO UCITS ETF (the “Fund”) is not sponsored, promoted, sold or supported by Solactive AG.

Nor does Solactive AG offer any express or implicit guarantee or assurance either with regard to the results of using the Index and/or Index trade mark or the Index price, at any time or in any other respect. The Solactive Pharma Breakthrough Value Index (the “Index”) is calculated and published by Solactive AG. Solactive AG uses its best efforts to ensure that the Index is calculated correctly. Irrespective of its obligations towards the Company, Solactive AG has no obligation to point out errors in the Index to third parties including, but not limited to, investors and/or financial intermediaries of the Fund.

Solactive AG does not guarantee the accuracy and/or the completeness of the Index or any related data, and shall not have any liability for any errors, omissions or interruptions therein. Neither publication of the Index by Solactive AG, nor the licensing of the Index or Index trade mark, for the purpose of use in connection with the Fund, constitutes a recommendation by Solactive AG to invest capital in said Fund nor does it, in any way, represent an assurance or opinion of Solactive AG with regard to any investment in this Fund. In no event shall Solactive AG have any liability for any lost profits or indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages or losses, even if notified of the possibility thereof.

The ETFS Ecommerce Logistics GO UCITS ETF (the “Fund”) is not sponsored, promoted, sold or supported by Solactive AG.

Nor does Solactive AG offer any express or implicit guarantee or assurance either with regard to the results of using the Index and/or Index trade mark or the Index price, at any time or in any other respect. The Solactive eCommerce Logistics Index Net Total Return (the “Index”) is calculated and published by Solactive AG. Solactive AG uses its best efforts to ensure that the Index is calculated correctly. Irrespective of its obligations towards the Company, Solactive AG has no obligation to point out errors in the Index to third parties including, but not limited to, investors and/or financial intermediaries of the Fund.

Solactive AG does not guarantee the accuracy and/or the completeness of the Index or any related data, and shall not have any liability for any errors, omissions or interruptions therein. Neither publication of the Index by Solactive AG, nor the licensing of the Index or Index trade mark, for the purpose of use in connection with the Fund, constitutes a recommendation by Solactive AG to invest capital in said Fund nor does it, in any way, represent an assurance or opinion of Solactive AG with regard to any investment in this Fund. In no event shall Solactive AG have any liability for any lost profits or indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages or losses, even if notified of the possibility thereof.

Telephone calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

Lägre indexeringskostnader gör det billigare för slutinvesteraren

Lägre indexeringskostnader gör det billigare för slutinvesteraren

I den pågående övergången till passiva indexbaserade investeringsstrategier tar fler fondleverantörer en närmare titt på sina referensindex. Detta är för att försöka minska sina indexeringskostnader var de än kan. Detta är i slutändan något som kommer att gynna slutinvesteraren. Ingen är bättre än ETF-utgivarna, de arbetar med börshandlade fonder som redan innan detta är kända för sin låga kostnadsstruktur.

Indexleverantörer har i flera år tjänat betydande pengar på att licensiera sina index till börshandlade fonder. I den pågående övergången till passiva och billiga strategier har låga avgifter dock blivit ett viktigt försäljningsargument för att attrahera investeringsflöden. Fler företag har därför beslutat att spara pengar genom att arbeta med billigare indexatorer eller bygga helt egna index.

I den stora kostnadsmigrationen är inget säkert

Man kan förmodligen räkna med ena handen hur många index som ligger på rockstjärnestatus där ETF-utgivaren sannolikt aldrig kommer att röra dem, men alla andra indexleverantörer är sårbara.

Enligt de senaste resultatrapporterna hade S & P Global Inc., MSCI Inc. och London Stock Exchange Group Plc: s FTSE Russell – de tre största referensleverantörerna – över 1 miljard dollar i indexintäkterna under de sex månaderna i juni jämfört med 858 miljoner dollar för samma period förra året.

De ökande intäkterna till indexlevernatörerna beror på att kapitalet under förvaltning har ökat. Enbart de amerikanska börshandlade fonderna har mer än 3 000 miljarder i förvaltade tillgångar jämfört med 400 miljarder dollar för ett decennium sedan.

Utgivarna betalar normalt en indexator en avgift baserad på en procentandel av fondens tillgångar. MSCIs avgifter uppgick i genomsnitt till 3,08 punkter under första kvartalet 2017. Nu tar fler fondleverantörer en titt på kostnaderna, eftersom fler investerare söker sig till de billigaste strategierna.

Kostnaderna för indexförvaltning går ned

I en värld där priserna på indexerad förvaltning fortsätter att gå ner måste resten av branschen överväga att sänka sina kostnader.

Över hälften av de indexerade ETFerna som lanserades i år använder sig inte av ”Big Three” – S & P, MSCI eller FTSE Russell. Istället väljer de alternativ som Solactive AG, som tar ut en fast årlig avgift som baseras på referensens komplexitet, baserat på sina egna resurser.

BlackRock startade nyligen sina första självindexerade fonder. Förvaltaren förklarade det med att BlackRock med sin storlek och teknik kan tillverkningskostnaderna. Över 80 börshandlade fonder ändrade sitt referensindex år 2016, den högsta summan sedan 2010.

Det är en tävling mot noll och indexleverantörer måste reagera på det också,