Spannmålspriserna återhämtar sig när Kina köper från USA

Spannmålspriserna återhämtar sig när Kina köper från USA ETF Börshandlade fonderSpannmålspriserna återhämtar sig när Kina köper från USA

Börshandlade fonder som investerar i så kallade ”softs” har gått bra under senare tid. Spannmålspriserna återhämtar sig när Kina köper från USA, och nu signalerar de statliga kinesiska jättarna att de köpa amerikansk spannmål. Detta kan komma att underlätta handelsspänningarna mellan Peking och Washington D.C. Det är inte bara majs, utan även sojabönor och vete som lockar de kinesiska inköparna. Spannmålspriserna återhämtar sig när Kina köper från USA.

Detta gynnar börshandlade fonder som Teucrium Soybean Fund (NYSEArca: SOYB), Teucrium Corn Fund (NYSEArca: CORN) och Teucrium Wheat Fund (NYSEArca: WEAT). Det har även haft en positiv kursutveckling för iPath Series B Bloomberg Grains Subindex Total Return ETN (NYSEArca:JJGB). Det sista är ett börshandlat certifikat som ger exponering mot majs, sojabönor och vete.

Kina kommer sannolikt att köpa mer amerikanska sojabönor efter att Peking signalerat att statsfinansierade raffinerare och köpare av spannmål borde de köpa mer för att minska spänningarna mellan de två länderna, rapporterar Reuters. Kina lovade under helgen att öka importen från sin största handelspartner för att avvärja ett handelskrig som skulle kunna störa den globala ekonomin.

Världens största importör av sojabönor

Kina är världens främsta importör av soja, och amerikanska leveranser kommer att hjälpa den framväxande marknaden möta ökad inhemsk konsumtion. Den ökade importen skulle också bidra till att minska Kinas handelsöverskott mot Förenta staterna, vilket president Donald Trump har pekat på.

Sinograin vill köpa amerikansk soja

Kinas statliga spannmålsinköpare Sinograin återvände nyligen till den amerikanska sojabönsmarknaden för första gången sedan början av april. Sinograin har frågat om priserna på amerikanska sojabönor, vilka observatörer tolkade som ett tecken på att Pekings inköpsstopp på att köpa amerikanska varor har lyfts.

”Sinograin är på marknaden idag och ber amerikanska leverantörer att ställa priser för leverans av gammal grödor samt kommande skörd för leverans augusti och framåt” berättade en källa som arbetar på ett privat sojabönsföretag i Kina till Reuters. ”Det är ett tydligt budskap till även privata företag att det är okej att importera amerikansk spannmål.”

Sojabönor är USAs största jordbruksexport till Kina och uppgick till 12 miljarder dollar år 2017. Två andra källor avslöjade också för Reuters att den kinesiska statens spannmålsproducent Cofco skulle tillåtas att köpa amerikanska sojabönor igen. Dessa tecken på att förbättra relationerna verkar också för andra typer av spannmål.

Priset på Sojabönor

Utdragen El Niño kan leda till spannmålsrally

Utdragen El Niño kan leda till spannmålsrally

Utdragen El Niño kan leda till spannmålsrally Ett stort antal meteorologer har aviserat att de ser förutsättningar för en utdragen El Niño, något som i sin tur kan leda till utbudsstörningar. Detta gäller för börshandlade grödor i allmänhet men även för de råvaror som brukar benämnas softs. Det betyder att även de börshandlade fonder som replikerar utvecklingen av spannmål och softs kan stå inför en kommande prisuppgång.

Under den senaste månaden har Teucrium Corn Fund (NYSEArca: CORN) stigit med 11,1 procent, Teucrium Soybean Fund (NYSEArca: SOYB) har stigit med 4,6 procent och Teucrium Wheat Fund (NYSEArca: WEAT) har ökat med 6,0 procent.

Den diversifierade ETNen iPath Bloomberg Grains Subindex Total Return ETN (NYSEArca: JJG) som representerar en korg av spannmål. Fördelningen är majs (45,3 procent), sojabönor (35,4 procent) och vete (19,3 procent), har under den senaste månaden stigit med 10,7 procent. United States Agriculture Index Fund (NYSEArca: USAG) som är en ETF som äger både jordbruksråvaror och softs. USAG ger sina innehavare en exponering mot råvaror som till exempel sojabönor, majs, vete, kakao, lean hogs, kakao, kaffe och bomull. Under den senaste månaden har denna börshandlade fond stigit med 7,5 procent. Teucrium Agricultural Fund (NYSEArca: TAGS) som har en likaviktad exponering mot socker, vete, majs och sojabönor har stigit med 7,8 procent under den senaste månaden.

Sannolikheten ligger på 80 procent

The Climate Predictions Center som ingår i National Weather Service anser att sannolikheten nu ligger så pass högt som 80 procent för att vi kommer att få se hur väderfenomenet El Niño fortsätter under våren 2016 i den norra hemisfären. Tidigare metereologiska rapporter har förutspått att väderfenomenet skall fortsätta under vintern 2015/2016. El Niño som är ett väderfenomen, brukar leda till att yttemperaturen i Stilla Havet stiger, något som kan leda till kraftig nederbörd och översvämningar i Sydamerika samt torka i Asien och i Östafrika. The Climate Predictions Center varnar nu för att effekterna av El Niño kan intensifieras under senhösten och vintern.

Den huvudsakliga orsaken till varningen är att temperaturen i Stilla Havet just nu är varmare än normalt vid denna tid på året. De förändrade väderförhållandena kan komma att påverka priset på jordbruksråvaror framöver, speciellt i samband med planteringssäsongenen i september. Det är sannolikt att Australiens högproteinhaltiga veteskörd som odlas i landets östra delar kommer att drabbas av torrare förhållanden. Produktionen av sojabönor i Indien, Asiens näst största producent, kan komma att drabbas negativt av torka i landets centrala och västra delar. Majsproduktionen i Kina och Indien kan också komma att drabbas negativt. Det betyder emellertid att amerikanska och sydamerikanska spannmålsodlare kan exportera sin gröda till Asien. Det innebär således att en utdragen El Niño kan leda till spannmålsrally eftersom det uppstår en okad konkurrens om det spannmål som produceras i Nord- och Sydamerika.

Oil Bargain Hunting Continues as Investors Shun Gold on Greek Deal

Oil Bargain Hunting Continues as Investors Shun Gold on Greek Deal

Oil Bargain Hunting Continues as Investors Shun Gold on Greek Deal- ETF Securities Commodity ETP Weekly

•    Bargain hunting drives inflows into long WTI oil ETPs to highest in 16 weeks, totaling US$44mn.

•    Investors see value in ’industrial’ precious metals, continuing to shun gold.

•    ETFS Wheat (WEAT) outflows hit six-month high.

•    Long copper and nickel ETPs buck the trend of outflows from industrial metals sector.

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Cyclical assets are benefiting in early trading on the newly agreed Greek deal, while defensive assets are currently out of favour. Gold in particular has lost ground as positive sentiment grips investors, but there remain hurdles for the Greek government to implement and adhere to the arrangements. Commodity markets are likely to begin to trade in line with fundamentals, now that the uncertainty surrounding the Eurozone is beginning to fade. However, the relative stability in sentiment will need to be sustained. Chinese economic data (GDP, industrial production and retail sales) will be the main focus for investors this week, after better-than-expected trade data showed that commodity demand remains solid.

Bargain hunting drives inflows into long WTI oil ETPs to highest in 16 weeks, totaling US$44mn. The second consecutive weekly build in crude stockpiles, alongside a rising rig count, indicated that supply is likely to remain abundant, with prices still not low enough to dissuade production in the US. The issue of ‘massive oversupply’ has been reiterated by the International Energy Agency, which noted that there is further potential price falls in the pipeline. Meanwhile, OPEC supply is another concern, and if Iranian nuclear negotiations are successful, the 3-year high production levels could rise further. Indeed, while bargain hunters are looking at current prices as attractive entry points, some near-term softness could result until excess supply can be absorbed by rising demand.

Investors see value in ‘industrial’ precious metals, continuing to shun gold. The sentiment driven sell-off in precious metals has begun to draw investors, with silver and platinum the most favoured. Investors are looking at the depressed price levels of precious metals with significant industrial demand as attractively valued, as the global economic recovery continues, despite negative sentiment currently pervading markets. Long silver ETPs recorded the fourth consecutive week of inflows, with US$18mn received over the period. Meanwhile, platinum posted the third consecutive week of inflows, totaling US$17mn over the period.

ETFS Wheat (WEAT) outflows hit six-month high. Wheat prices have pared recent strong gains, and investors have reduced positions for the second consecutive week. WEAT outflows totaled US$a4.3mn, alongside the recent USDA report showing rising US output this year. Soybean output was also revised higher but the report showed declining corn production.

Long copper and nickel ETPs buck the trend of outflows from industrial metals sector.
ETFS Long Copper (COPA) recorded the largest inflow in 10 weeks, totaling US$8.6mn. Meanwhile ETFS Nickel (NICK) has recorded the fourth successive weekly inflows, with deposits of US$15.7mn over the period. Although negative Chinese sentiment coming from sharemarket uncertainty has had an adverse impact on industrial metals prices, we believe that once fundamentals reassert, prices will be broadly supported.

Key events to watch this week. Once concern over Greece’s situation has subsided, focus will move back to economic fundamentals and a raft of Chinese data including GDP, industrial production and retail sales will be key to price direction for commodity markets. The ECB meeting will be a contributor, mainly for the impact that a potentially stronger US Dollar could have on commodities, particularly the precious metals sector.

For more information contact

ETF Securities Research team
ETF Securities (UK) Limited
T +44 (0) 207 448 4336

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If you have any questions please contact ETFS UK at +44 20 7448 4330 or for more information.

Investor Hedging Favours Gold

Investor Hedging Favours Gold

ETF Securities Commodity ETP Weekly Investor Hedging Favours Gold

Gold ETPs see three consecutive weeks of inflows.

Third consecutive week of inflows for industrial metals, led by ETFS Copper (COPA).

ETFS Wheat (WEAT) sees fifth consecutive week of inflows.

Profit-taking in oil ETPs for the eighth consecutive week.

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Although Greece managed to scrape together its €750mn payment to the IMF, the fact it had to do so by tapping into its own IMF reserves account was a cause for concern. With its cash wearing so thin, the risk of an accident now is very high. Weaker-than-expected German Q1 GDP data, a downgrade of UK GDP forecast from the Bank of England and a string of poor Chinese data point to monetary easing from the world’s major central banks continuing for the foreseeable future. Gold responded decisively, jumping 3.2% on the week, while silver riding its coat-tail gained 6.4%.

Gold ETPs see three consecutive weeks of inflows. The recent rally in gold prices and rising market anxiety about Greece and European growth rates has driven heightened interest in gold. Last week we saw US$11.1mn of inflows into gold ETPs, adding to the US$62.3mn of cumulative inflows from the previous two weeks. World Gold Council data released last week showed only modest decline in gold demand in Q1 2015 relative to same period last year, with investment demand posting gains led by the ETP inflows.

Third consecutive week of inflows for industrial metals, led by ETFS Copper (COPA). COPA received US$4.8mn after the copper price has risen 7.6% in the past month as supply forecasts were revised down. The International Copper Study Group has for the past few years forecast supply surplus, when in reality the market has ended the year in a supply deficit. ICSG tend not to factor in the disruption to output from miner strikes, accidents and port closures. They have forecast a surplus in 2015 once again, but the recent flooding in Chile has already been a setback to global output.

ETFS Wheat (WEAT) sees fifth consecutive week of inflows. After wheat prices hit a five-year low two weeks ago, they bounced 7.7% last week. Investors have been steady building positions in wheat ETPs, bargain hunting as underlying prices remain depressed. Last week WEAT received US$3.7mn. With US farmers expecting to plant less of the grain this year, we expect supply to tighten. The near-perfect weather conditions we saw last year are unlikely to be repeated this year. In fact the Australian Bureau of Meteorology last week declared that we are currently in an El Niño weather event, which could be quite substantial in strength. El Niño weather events typically make countries like Australia and India more warm and dry than usual, potentially hurting their wheat crops.

Profit-taking in oil ETPs for the eighth consecutive week. Both Brent and WTI benchmarks rose 1.6% last week. Unsurprisingly, some ETP investors chose to take profit, seeing US$8.6mn of outflows. With OPEC announcing last week that it increased daily production by 18,000 barrel per day in April and the International Energy Agency claiming that OPEC’s battle for market share is ‘only just beginning’ the prospects for a correction in the 40% price rally since March seem high. Meanwhile, investors also took profit on a US natural gas ETPs after a 10% price rally last week. Natural gas surged following expectations of warmer US weather that would boost demand for the commodity to generate power for air-conditioning.

Key events to watch this week. US, Euro area and UK inflation numbers will be closely viewed to see if deflationary trends are abating. Continued price weakness should keep a central bank easing bias, which has been historically positive for gold.


Video Presentation

Nitesh Shah, Research Analyst at ETF Securities provides an analysis of last week’s performance, flow and trading activity in commodity exchange traded products and a look at the week ahead.

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ETF Securities Research team
ETF Securities (UK) Limited
T +44 (0) 207 448 4336

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If you have any questions please contact ETFS UK at +44 20 7448 4330 or for more information.

US Crude Dip Attracts Inflows

US Crude Dip Attracts Inflows

ETF Securities Commodity ETP Weekly US Crude Dip Attracts Inflows

22nd consecutive week of inflows into long WTI ETPs.

Greek bailout extension triggers outflows from ETFS Physical Gold (PHAU).

Platinum sees inflows as major producer cuts capital spending.

Depressed wheat prices attract inflows into long wheat ETPs.

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China’s interest rate cuts on the weekend set the tone for another week which looks to be dominated by monetary policy activity. A series of central bank meetings globally will keep investors focused on the possibility of any further surprise monetary loosening in response to deflationary pressures. Janet Yellen’s testimony to congress last week highlighted the importance of the state of the economy to the pace of any US interest normalisation. This will encourage investors to pay even closer attention to the US non-farm payrolls reading due at the end of the week.

22nd consecutive week of inflows into long WTI ETPs. Investors continue to demand exposure to US crude with long WTI ETPs drawing US$50.7mn of inflows as the price remains at attractively low levels. This week WTI fell considerably more than its global counterpart causing the spread between crude benchmarks to widen to the highest level in 13 months. The 5.8% weekly decline in WTI was driven by reports that US crude inventory increased by twice as much as forecasted last week, stoking fears that shale oil is causing a supply glut in the US oil market.

Greek bailout extension triggers outflows from ETFS Physical Gold (PHAU). Euro group finance ministers reached an accord to provide Greece with four further months of bailout funds if certain conditions surrounding Greece’s budget, spending and tax collection are met. The outcome sent equity indices to record levels and caused investors to shed safe haven assets. As a result, PHAU witnessed US$33mn of outflows, reversing inflows from the prior week. The gold price fell in response to the deal but pared losses as Janet Yellen’s testimony to congress was interpreted relatively dovishly by the market.

Platinum sees inflows as major producer cuts capital spending. Platinum hit a five year low during the week before rallying 0.9% as Impala, the world’s second largest platinum producer, revealed that it intends to cut capital expenditure over the next two years in response to low platinum prices. Last month saw US$67mn flow into long platinum ETPs as investors positioned themselves for a price recovery from tighter supply conditions.

Depressed wheat prices attract inflows into long wheat ETPs. ETFS Wheat (WEAT) witnessed the largest inflow since July last year. Investors are viewing the current low price level as a potential buying opportunity. Prices have fallen 14.7% YTD as US wheat exports experience tough competition on international markets from European competitors. Furthermore, bearish sentiment has been stimulated by a USDA report which forecasted that US wheat inventory levels will reach a multi-year high in the 2015/16 crop year.

Key events to watch this week. Central bank meetings at the European Central bank, Bank of England, Reserve Bank of Australia, and the Bank of Canada will ensure monetary policy remains the key focus for investors next week. In the US, nonfarm payrolls will closely watched as it will be a good indication of whether the US economy’s robust recovery remains on track and give policymakers further reason to tighten monetary conditions.


Video Presentation

Josh Tiwana, Research Analyst at ETF Securities provides an analysis of last week’s performance, flow and trading activity in commodity exchange traded products and a look at the week ahead.

For more information contact

ETF Securities Research team
ETF Securities (UK) Limited
T +44 (0) 207 448 4336

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