Precious metal ETP outflows surge as sentiment sours

Precious metal ETP outflows surge as sentiment sours ETF Securities WisdomTreePrecious metal ETP outflows surge as sentiment sours

ETF Securities Weekly Flows Analysis – Precious metal ETP outflows surge as sentiment sours


  • Precious metal weekly outflows surge amidst a stronger US dollar and rising US Treasury yields.
  • WTI’s discount to Brent widens and outflows from crude oil ETPs rise for the sixth week in a row.
  • Yen ETPs remain well bid, despite the soft economic patch reported in Q1.

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As WTI’s discount to Brent crude oil prices deepens, outflows worth US$5.4mn continue for the sixth week in a row. Brent prices surged to US$80 per barrel for the first time since November 2014; likely owing to the ongoing concerns of supply from Venezuela and Iran. The unsurprising overnight victory of President Nicolas Maduro at the Venezuelan election is likely to spark unrest within the nation and worsen the decline in Venezuelan oil production. Last week the International Energy Agency (IEA), showed signs of further tightening on the oil market, as oil stocks in OECD countries decreased in March to their lowest level in three years and dipped below the five-year average for the first time since 2014. The crude oil inventory reduction was aided by record high crude oil exports, as the deep discount of the WTI price with Brent is making US crude oil more attractive to the international buyers. In contrast to the inventory build reported by the API, the US department of Energy reported a 1.4 million barrel fall in US crude oil stocks. Furthermore, US oil rig count held steady at 844 last week after rising for six weeks in a row.

Gold ETPs faced weekly redemptions worth US$82.3mn, the highest level in 12 weeks. Gold prices faced significant pressure as the US dollar strengthened and 10-year US treasury yields crossed 3.112% last week. The yield differential of the 10-year US Treasuries versus the equivalent German government bonds of the same maturity widened to 250 basis point, marking its widest level in over 30 years. This points to further strengthening of the US dollar against the euro and more weakness ahead for gold prices as it fails to yield any interest, making it appear unattractive in the current rising rate environment. Meanwhile, gold’s historical role as a safe haven, may allow significant upside potential from the ongoing geopolitical risks emanating from protests in Gaza, uncertainty over the Iranian Nuclear agreement, US-China trade wars, the Korean conflict and progress from the coalition of populist Eurosceptic parties in Italy.

Gold prices declined for a time to their lowest level since the start of the year, falling below the psychologically important $1300 mark, such low levels should also encourage physical buying. Silver prices recouped some if its losses over the latter half of last week resulting in the gold/silver ratio declining to 78.5. Investors took profits as we saw weekly outflows from Silver ETPs surge to US$98.4mn their highest level since September 2017. Precious metal basket ETPs also saw US$12.3mn worth of 0utflows as sentiment toward the precious metals sector deteriorated.

Long Yen ETPs versus the Euro attracted the highest inflows in 10 weeks, last week. Following eight consecutive quarters of growth, the Japanese economy contracted in the first quarter as GDP contracted -0.6% more than consensus estimates owing to sluggish household consumption and capital spending. However strong corporate profitability, an upbeat global growth outlook and signs that wage pressures are starting to build provide evidence that the Japanese investment case still remains intact.

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Key considerations in choosing a commodity index

Key considerations in choosing a commodity index

ETF Securities Portfolio Insights: Key considerations in choosing a commodity index


  • The composition of a commodity index, the liquidity of its underlying contracts and the complexity of its rolling schedule can have an impact on its performance.
  • Getting exposure to futures contracts further out on the curve with enhanced commodity strategies, is an easier and more efficient way to improve return than increasing the complexity of the index rolling schedule.
  • Adding enhanced commodity indices to a portfolio of global equities and bonds, improves the Sharpe ratio by 3% on average compared to classic commodity indices.

There are a number of factors that need to be considered when choosing a commodity index to invest in. Historical back-tested performance only presents one part of the picture. The cost of investing in an instrument, such as an Exchange Traded Product (ETP), that tracks commodity returns can vary widely depending on a number of key factors.

The index composition and weighting

The composition and weighting of a commodity index define its level of diversification. The more diversified the index is, the better the investor is protected from the downside risk when the commodity index is added to a multi-asset portfolio.

The composition of major commodity benchmarks can vary significantly as illustrated above. For example, the Bloomberg Commodity Index (BCOM) has 31% in agriculture and 28% in energy while the S&P GSCI and the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodities Index Optimum Yield (DBLCI-OY) have more than 50% concentrated in the energy sector.

A closer look at the individual commodity level shows that 40% of the S&P GSCI index is only in oil (23% in WTI crude and 16% in Brent crude) while other commodity indices allocate a maximum of 13% to a single commodity. The weightings change marginally over time. The closer the index can get to an equal weighting, the better its level of diversification.

Modifying the composition and weighting of an index while keeping the same rolling methodology tends to increase return, by 2.3% for UBS indices and 0.9% for Deutsche Bank indices since the end of December 2015, as illustrated above.

The index rolling strategy

In this section, we analysed the performance of four commodity indices in order to assess the impact that “enhanced” rolling strategies can have on returns. All four indices are exposed to the same constituents with the same weights as BCOM but apply different rolling strategies.

The next chart shows the additional return of three different enhanced strategies compared to BCOM. The first strategy increases the index average maturity from 2 or 3 months with BCOM to 5 or 6 months with the BCOM 3 Month Forward Index (BCOMF3). Index providers tend to use this strategy to help mitigate the impact of contango (negative roll yield) on the index’s total return. This strategy improved return by 2%.

Applied to the Deutsche Bank Commodity Booster index, the optimum yield strategy is exposed to contracts that expire up to 13 months from now based on the best implied roll yield. This strategy outperforms BCOM by 2.5%. The constant maturity strategy, used by the UBS Bloomberg BCOM Constant Maturity index, rolls a small portion of its exposure every day in order to maintain its average maturity, outperforming BCOM by 2.6%.

Increasing the complexity of the rolling methodology with the optimum yield and constant maturity strategies only adds 0.5% and 0.6% extra return respectively compared to the strategy that simply increases the index average maturity.

The impact on operational costs

The number of contracts an index tracks and the frequency and complexity of the rolling schedule can have an impact not only on performance as seen previously, but also on the operational costs of replicating the index.
We here distinguish between commodity indices with a classic roll methodology: BCOM, S&P GSCI, the Rogers International Commodity Index (RICI) and the Thomson/Reuters CRB index (CRB), and commodity indices that aim to improve the classic strategy, typically called enhanced commodity indices.

The above chart shows the number of transactions in each index, defined as the number of times each constituent has to roll in a year, multiplied by the number of days during each roll. The UBS BCOM CMCI Index has the largest number of transactions as it rolls a small portion of its exposure every day to maintain each constituent’s average maturity over time. The methodology of an investable commodity index needs to be replicable. The more complex the rolling schedule is, the higher the replication costs which may lead to higher tracking errors.

The liquidity of the underlying futures contracts that the index holds is also a key factor to consider, as an illiquid contract can cause disruption in the daily pricing of the commodity index and prevent investors from purchasing or redeeming their funds when they want. The further out on the curve the exposure is, the less liquid the futures contract. The above chart shows how much an investor can buy or redeem from an instrument that tracks the index without disrupting the daily pricing of the underlying futures market.

Commodity indices in a portfolio

In this section, we compare the performance of portfolios with 50% in global equities, 40% in global bonds and 10% in commodities to a standard portfolio of 60% global equities and 40% global bonds, the benchmark, since 1998.

While enhanced commodity indices tend to perform better than classic commodity indices, adding them to a portfolio of equities and bonds improves the Sharpe ratio by just 3% on average: from 0.72 on average for portfolios with 10% in classic commodity benchmarks to 0.75 on average for portfolios with 10% in enhanced commodity indices.

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ETF Securities Research team
ETF Securities (UK) Limited
T +44 (0) 207 448 4336

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Oljepriset, det är inte bara OPEC som styr

Oljepriset, det är inte bara OPEC som styr

Vi har sett en hel del prisfluktuationer när det gäller oljepriset, både Brent och WTI, något som också har påverkat de ETPer och börshandlade fonder som speglar priset på råolja, till exempel United States Oil Fund (NYSEArca: USO) och United States Brent Oil Fund (NYSEArca: BNO). När det gäller Oljepriset, det är inte bara OPEC som styr utvecklingen av denna råvaras värde, det finns ett stort antal andra faktorer som påverkar.

OPECs påverkan är emellertid stor, men kanske minskande? Från oljemarknadens håll har flera bedömare sagt att de anser att OPECs inflytande minskar när de oljeproducerande ländernas organisation nu minskar produktionen i syfte att minska pristrycket på oljepriset. Samtidigt hoppas många av de amerikanska frackning företagen på att priset på olja skall hoppa upp över 50 USD igen för att de skall kunna kapitalisera på det. Enligt vissa estimat är det på denna nivå som skifferoljeproducenterna går break-even nu när framsteg inom teknik och borrteknik har hjälpt till att skära ned kostnaderna.

I en återföring av tidigare sentiment accepterade Saudiarabien Irans högre produktionsmål som ett specialfall. Tidigare har OPECs samtal brutit samman eftersom Iran ansåg sig orättvist fördelat eftersom landet hävdade att det inte kunnat exportera i samma mängd som sina konkurrenter då Iran var satt under strikta globala sanktioner. Iran har därför argumenterat för att öka sin produktion till nivåerna innan sanktionerna började att gälla. Utöver Iran finns det andra problembarn inom kartellen som skulle kunna undergräva ansträngningarna för att minska oljeproduktionen inom OPEC.

Siktar mot 60 USD per fat

Saudiarabien, OPECs största producent, siktar på ett oljepris om 60 USD per fat, en nivå som många av OPECs medlemmar skulle trivas med. Nivån är emellertid inte tillräckligt hög för att uppmuntra amerikanska skifferproducenter att avsevärt öka sin produktion.

I en nyligen publicerad analys skriver den amerikanska investmentbanken Goldman Sachs om oljan. Goldman Sachs degraderar effektivt OPEC från en prissättare till en lageransvarig eftersom banken anser att OPECs långsiktiga kontroll över det internationella oljepriset har upphört till en följd av skifferolja och –gas. Skiffer ger en betydligt snabbare produktion, från investeringsbeslut till topproduktion kan cykeln vara så kort som sex till nio månader. Detta skall ställas mig flera år för den konventionella oljan.

Aktörerna på oljemarknaden oroar sig för att de amerikanska skifferoljeproducenterna kommer att öka sin produktion om oljepriset stiger. Den senaste rigräkningen visar på ett ökat antal riggar, och kreditmöjligheterna är nu större än tidigare vilket gör att dessa företag kan komma att dra fördel av en kortsiktig prisuppgång för oljepriset.

Flera OPEC-medlemmar har redan meddelat att de är beredda att delta i en förlängning av produktionsneddragningen, eller i alla fall erkänt behovet av en sådan förlängning. Även Saudiarabien har mjukat upp sin tidigare bestämda ståndpunkt, från att tidigare ha varit ovilliga att stärka den amerikanska skifferoljeindustrin så har landet meddelat att det kommer att stödja en förlängning av produktionsstoppet om oljelagren förblir höga. Oljepriset, det är inte bara OPEC men organisationen har helt klar stor betydelse.


Pris på olja, både på WTI och Brent. Du kan se det aktuella priset på WTI- och Brent-olja, samt hur det oljepriset har utvecklats över olika tidsperioder. Överst visas WTI-priset och under det Brent-priset.

WTI (West Texas Intermediate), även känd som Texas Light Sweet, är den typ av olja som oftast används som riktmärke för prissättning av olja. WTI handlas i New York. Brent är den typ av olja som är vanligast i Europa. Oljefutures går till leverans varje månad året om. Olja handlas bland annat på New York Mercantile Exchange under tickersymbolen CL (avser Light Sweet Crude Oil) och huvudkontraktet prissätts i USD och cent per fat.


Oil – Room to run lower

Oil – Room to run lower

Weekly Investment Insights Oil – Room to run lower


  • Oil prices have made decisive moves lower over the past fortnight as burgeoning US production has dampened optimism around the OPEC accord.
  • Reports of increased output from Saudi Arabia and exempt nations Nigeria  and Libya have added to concerns that the production agreement is less robust than previously assumed.
  • Should key crude benchmarks break lower through nearby support levels we could see the complex return to pre-November levels.

Burgeoning U.S. output

After months of range trading, the oil complex has made a decisive move lower as growing US output has dampened optimism surrounding the impact of last year’s OPEC/non-OPEC production agreement on global supply. Last week’s release of US crude oil inventory data instigated the latest move, as stocks grew at four times the expected rate to reach a new peak of 528.4m barrels. Bearish indicators have been mounting against the oil price for some time as news flow from the US has increasingly pointed towards resurgence in shale output as a result of the more favourable $50-$55/bbl price range. Research reports from Barclays and Citi (Source: Financial Times) both detail a 27%-36% surge in capital spending this year by North American oil and gas companies. These estimates are corroborated by the growth in the widely observed US oil rig count, which has climbed 95% from its trough from 2016 (see Figure 1). Our view is that oil prices could still see some downside from current levels, as they sit some 8% above the range from before the November accord and the agreement itself appears increasingly fragile.

Intentional or Seasonal?

While Riyadh has repeatedly stated its commitment to stabilising the oil market, the latest monthly OPEC report suggests that matter may not be so simple. Overall, according to secondary sources, OPEC’s compliance with its stated target currently sits at 91% and has indeed largely been driven by Saudi’s commitment to the agreement. However, the report also shows that Saudi’s own sources recorded an increase in production last month to near 10m barrels per day (mbpd), closer to estimates from the International Energy Agency (IEA) of 9.98mbpd. The bounce suggests that the reductions in oil volume seen in recent months could actually be a result of more seasonal adjustments to output rather than a conscious effort to stabilise the oil market. If this is the case we could see output normalise further in coming months, posing an additional threat to the accord.

Furthermore both exempt nations, Libya and Nigeria, have increased output by a combined 193k bpd since December, a 9% increase. The resurgence of US shale is likely to have put significant strain on the continued compliance to the OPEC agreement beyond the June expiry date. Should the deal fall apart, we could see oil prices sink further.

Broken support levels could spur selling

Having fallen approximately 8% on average over the past week both crude oil benchmarks face significant support. Brent and WTI crude oil prices have been dragged lower to the highs that persisted until the OPEC accord was announced, at $51/bbl and $49/bbl respectively (which also happen to coincide with their respective 200 daily moving average). Prices failed to consistently penetrate these levels for 15 months before November so a break below at this stage could trigger selling pressure. In this scenario prices have potential to fall to the 50% retracement of the recent 14 month run higher at $46/bbl and $43/bbl respectively for Brent and WTI. An abrupt end to OPEC’s current deal could be the catalyst to trigger such a move.

Investors wishing to express the investment views outlined above may consider using the following ETF Securities ETPs:

Commodity ETPs

ETFS Brent Crude (BRNT)
ETFS Longer Dated Brent Crude (FBRT)
ETFS Longer Dated WTI Crude Oil (FCRU)

2x & -1x

ETFS 2x Daily Long Brent Crude (LBRT)
ETFS 2x Daily Long WTI Crude Oil (LOIL)
ETFS 1x Daily Short Brent Crude (SBRT)
ETFS 1x Daily Short WTI Crude Oil (SOIL)


ETFS 3x Daily Long WTI Crude Oil (3CRL)
ETFS 3x Daily Short WTI Crude Oil (3CRS)

Currency Hedged ETPs

ETFS EUR Daily Hedged Brent Crude (EBRT)
ETFS EUR Daily Hedged WTI Crude Oil (ECRD)
ETFS GBP Daily Hedged Brent Crude (PBRT)
ETFS GBP Daily Hedged WTI Crude Oil (PCRD)

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This communication has been provided by ETF Securities (UK) Limited (”ETFS UK”) which is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (the ”FCA”).

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Fortsatt gynnsamma reaktioner på Trumps agerande

Fortsatt gynnsamma reaktioner på Trumps agerande

Börsåret 2017 som inleddes med en osäkerhet om vad republikanerna ledda av den nyvalde presidenten Donald Trump skulle hitta på har gjort både demokrater, börsexperter och investerare världen över förbryllade. Fortsatt gynnsamma reaktioner på Trumps agerande var nog det sista som de flesta av oss förväntade sig. Marknader fortsatte sin gynnsamma reaktion på den nya regimen med ett aktierally hela februari. Den andra behandlingen av BNP-siffrorna för det fjärde kvartalet 2016 visar på att den amerikanska ekonomin vuxit med 1,6 procent, vilket är under den tillväxten som aktiemarknaden prisar in som tillväxt för de amerikanska aktierna under de kommande åren.

Konsumtionen svarade för tillväxten

Nästan all den tillväxt som vi såg i USA under det fjärde kvartalet 2016 kom från den amerikanska konsumtionen och kan förklaras av stigande bostadspriser, ökad bilförsäljning, skyhöga studielån och stigande korträntor. Det får oss att ställa oss frågan hur pass länge den amerikanska konsumenten kan bära bördan av tillväxten. Det finns inget som tyder på en välbalanserad amerikansk ekonomi och detta kan betyda att FED tar en paus i sina planer på högre räntor. Non farm payrolls för februari 2017 visar på 227 000 nya arbeten i januari, +180 000 jämfört med prognosen. Arbetslösheten i USA kom in på 4,8 procent, en mindre ökning från tidigare månad på 4,7 procent. Den genomsnittliga timlönen har stigit med 0,1 procent jämfört med månaden innan och ligger på +2,5 procent på årsbasis. Det finns mycket som tyder på att FED inte kan anta en alltför aggressiv takt i sitt åtstramningsprogram. PMI ligger högt och pekar på en expanderande ekonomi, Markit US Manufacturing PMI för januari kom in på 55,0, vilket var i linje med förväntningarna. Samma siffra för februari var 54,3 något under februari. Sällanköpsvaror för januari växte + 1,8%, jämfört med förväntningarna på + 1,6% tillväxt. Industriell produktion minskade något i januari medan kapacitetsutnyttjande registrerade 75,3%, strax under prognosen. Återhämtningen i energipriserna under 2016 bör sätta ett visst tryck uppåt på priserna, men januari KPI steg bara + 0,3% MoM (+ 2,5% på årsbasis) medan priserna i grossistledet ökade + 0,6% men bara + 1,6% på årsbasis. Tillgångsinflationen förblir större då oro för fortsatt låga räntor fortsätter att driver både fastighetspriser och aktievärden högre, vilket skapar ytterligare en skevhet i förmögenhetsfördelningen i USA. Utsikterna för stigande räntor, som kan komma så tidigt som den 14 till 15 mars vid FEDs FOMC möte, fortsätter att ge dollarn kraft. Politiken kommer sannolikt att fortsätta att påverka dollarn under 2017, antingen från bättre ekonomiska förhållanden i USA (förhoppningsvis!) eller förändringar av skattepolitiken (dvs gränsjusteringsskatt), vilket är ett svårt att handikapp vid denna tidpunkt. Trots dollarns styrka under februari har de bredda råvarorna, mätt som Bloomberg Commodities Index, stigit med 0,2 procent stärkt av prisutvecklingen för West Texas Intermediate (WTI) råolja. Priset på denna råolja steg med 2,3 procent och stängde på 54 USD per fat på NYMEX. På valutamarknaden försvagades euron med 1,9 procent mot dollarn under februari, och stängde på 1,06 USD/EUR, men valutaparet är i stort sett oförändrad sedan tre månader sedan. Kommande ekonomiska data och inflation i Eurozonen kommer sannolikt att stödja en starkare Euro i ”normalare tider”, men den politiska risken i det kommande franska valet och en divergerande penningpolitik mellan Europeiska centralbanken och Federal Reserve kommer sannolikt att hålla Euron nedtryckt mot dollarn på kort sikt. Dessutom var yenen var i stort sett oförändrad mot dollarn under månaden, men + 1,5% starkare mot dollarn under de senaste tre månaderna. Får vi se fortsatt gynnsamma reaktioner på Trumps agerande under resten av mars?