Risk of a sharp CNY rebound

ETF Securities Risk of a sharp CNY reboundETF Securities FX Research: Risk of a sharp CNY rebound

Risk of a sharp CNY rebound


  • Trending CNY weakness is not a surprise alongside a softer economic backdrop, central bank stimulus and portfolio outflows.
  • Debt concerns are not a global systemic issue, as foreign debt accounts for only 6% of the overall total and has been on a declining trend as of late.
  • CNY weakness and portfolio outflows are likely to reverse if Chinese equities are included in key global emerging market benchmarks.

Three benchmarks

The intention of the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), alongside further liberalisation of the currency, is to keep the valuation of the Renminbi ‘basically stable’ against a basket of global currencies. Risk of a sharp CNY rebound

Although the USD is the main currency that the market values the Chinese Renminbi (CNY) against, Chinese policymakers increasingly want to move the focus to a basket of currencies – the method they indicate they set the currency on a daily basis.

Officials state that the currency is allowed to deviate within a +/-2% band on a daily basis from the fixing rate which is partly determined by the closing value of the Renminbi on the prior trading day. Risk of a sharp CNY rebound

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In December 2015, the PBOC introduced the CFETS RMB Exchange Rate Index, to be more a representative valuation of the Chinese currency against its trading and investment partners. China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS) is the foreign exchange markets subsidiary of the PBOC. There are 13 currencies in the CFETS basket, with the weightings largely trade based.

The other baskets that are referenced by Chinese officials are the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket and the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) basket. The SDR is valued against the US Dollar, the Japanese Yen, the British Pound, the Euro and the Renminbi, while the BIS basket is valued against 40 different currencies. Regardless, the USD is the primary currency, with 26%, 42% and 18% weightings in the CFETS, SDR and BIS baskets respectively.

The recent onshore CNY weakness (against the USD) over the past two months doesn’t appear to be artificially distorted. Indeed, onshore traded Renminbi (CNY) moves in 2016 are in line with offshore traded Renminbi (CNH) movements. The gap between onshore and offshore markets that appeared during H2 2015 after the surprise CNY devaluation has all but disappeared, as the market becomes more comfortable with the more transparent CNY pricing.

No motivation for devaluation

If policymakers are devaluing the CNY the only motivation can be to boost trade. The benefits of currency weakness on trade is well documented. However, as the Chinese currency becomes more market-based, and most developed market central banks follow beggar-thy-neighbour stimulus to weaken local currencies, the gains to trade are likely be limited. Additionally with China sitting in the middle of many supply chains, the finished output to be exported could be more competitive as the currency depreciates. However, imported inputs to manufacturing would also be more expensive, limiting any strong benefits to devaluation from a trade perspective as well.

With so much focus and concern around China’s debt problems, the authorities are unlikely to want to exacerbate the problem by depreciating the currency, which would make the value of foreign debts larger in local currency terms. The fears are maybe overblown given that only 6% of China’s debts are denominated in foreign currency and are declining. However, given the nebulous benefits to trade from devaluation, increasing credit risks associated with devaluation (even though is small) does not appear worthwhile.

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There seems little motivation for policymakers to artificially weaken the Renminbi in the current environment.

Steady decline in FX reserves

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Currency weakness isn’t surprising for a country whose pace of growth is slowing, with a central bank in the process of cutting both the repo rate and the reserve requirement rate (RRR), and a government injecting other forms of stimulus. Calls for a stronger currency by foreign politicians are misplaced in such an environment.

Although the currency is officially managed against three benchmarks, the PBOC analyses its FX reserves in USD mainly. However, it has recently begun publishing foreign exchange reserves with the IMF’s SDR as the unit of account.

The PBOC is not actively devaluing the renminbi. Foreign exchange reserves are actually declining, a trend that could not occur if the PBOC were intervening in currency markets to devalue the local currency. Moreover, FX reserves have been in steady decline since mid 2014, after peaking at around US$4tn.

The recent weakness in the Renminbi has contributed to the trend decline in the outstanding level of foreign currency loans. If a loan is not hedged, a sustained decrease in the currency will lead to a greater debt burden. FX loans are likely to continue downward as the level of positive carry is expected to decline due to US rates increasing in coming years.

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June 14 deadline.

In addition to foreign debt, portfolio investment is critical to the direction of the CNY. Capital flows are likely to increasingly be a directional driver of the Chinese currency in the years ahead as liberalisation of the Renminbi gathers pace. Further currency weakness seems likely in the near term on this basis. Investment funds flowing out of China in Q1 2016, amounted to US$40.1bn, a 55% jump on a year earlier, according to the PBOC. In April, US$25bn of portfolio was withdrawn from Chinese assets, the 25th consecutive monthly outflows, according to the Institute of International Finance. Portfolio outflows can intensify as the decline in the CNY will have an adverse impact on foreign portfolio returns.

Nonetheless, the negative flows could abate quite quickly and even reverse in coming months. MSCI are expected to decide on June 14 whether to include Chinese A shares in its MSCI China Index (and consequently MSCI Emerging Markets Index). This is likely to prompt a lift of the CNY in the near-term as investment funds are redirected towards the country.

Liberalisation and beyond

Greater currency liberalisation is likely in the future, not only because of the greater scrutiny from the IMF (with the Renminbi now being in the SDR basket) but also as China seeks to gain greater interest in global commodity pricing dynamics. Currency transparency and flexibility are necessary to lure trading away from developed commodity trading platforms and encourage greater foreign participation on Chinese commodity exchanges. Although CNY weakness is warranted from an economic and portfolio flows perspective, the June 14 announcement of a potential inclusion of Chinese equities in key MSCI EM benchmarks could see recent CNY trends reversed. A greater degree of CNY volatility can also be expected alongside further liberalisation and transparency.

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Så följer du resultatet i det grekiska valet – Grekland

Så följer du resultatet i det grekiska valet – Grekland

Så följer du resultatet i det grekiska valet – Grekland. Idag avgörs det. ETFSverige.se har de bästa länkarna och den mest detaljerade informationen kring grekiska valet. Det grekiska valresultaten kommer löpande att skickas in till den statliga sajten http://ekloges.ypes.gr/. Klicka på den översta bannern/fliken med valurnan. För engelska klicka i det vänstra nedre hörnet. För att ta del av det senaste och mest tillförlitliga valresultatet måste man följa grekisk TV.


Följande tider gäller för det grekiska valet (svensk tid):

  • kl. 18.00 – vallokalerna stänger
  • kl. 20-21.00 – första officiella prognosen/prognoserna avseende valutgången
  • kl. 23.00 – uppdaterat valresultat
  • kl. 01.00 – ytterligare en valuppdatering
  • Måndag kl. 07.00 – slutligt valresultat publiceras

Källa: Citigroup






Köpa Grekland innan valet? – Så gör du

Köpa Grekland innan valet? – Så gör du

Köpa Grekland innan valet? – Så gör du På söndag den 17 juni kommer valet som får hela världen att hålla andan. Det är inte val i något av G20-länderna som man skulle kunna tro istället är det ”lilla” landet Grekland som får resten av världen att hålla andan. Den grekiska eknomin är en av de minsta ekonomierna i Europa. Trots detta är utgången i valet av yttersta vikt. Vissa experter kallar en eventuell Grexit för en finansiell atombomb som i en första våg kommer att slå mot de försvagade ekonomierna i Spanien och Italien. Den kortsiktiga effekten för den grekiska börsen är inte solklar.

Den grekiska ekonomins största sektorer är: service (85%), industri (12%) och jordbruk (3%)*. Servicesektorn avser framförallt turism och shipping. I år har det grekiska börsindexet Greece ASE General sjunkit med 18% i svenska kronor. Under den senaste tre åren uppgår nedgången till hela 80% och över en femårsperiod till 88%. Kan Grekland sjunka ännu mer eller är det köpläge? De senaste dagarna har den grekiska börsen rusat. Bara igår var uppgången över 10%, i lokal valuta. Det finns två greklands-ETF:er tillgängliga för den riskvilliga investeraren. Den ena Lyxor ETF FTSE Athex 20 är noterad i Tyskland och Global X FTSE Greece 20 ETF är noterad i USA. Båda ETF:erna följer samma index. Den stora skillnaden mellan dessa båda ETF:er är att Lyxors variant tillämpar syntetisk replikering, dvs äger inte underliggande innehav/företag. Global X greklands-ETF tillämpar fysisk replikering och äger därmed aktier i de företag som ingår i det underliggande indexet. Den mest handlade ETF:en är Lyxors ETF.

[table id=398 /]


Källa: Factset, 15 juni, all avkastning i SEK, (-/0 information saknas)

Båda ETF:erna följer det grekiska indexet FTSE/ATHEX 20. De största sektorvikterna i detta index är (utgår ifrån ETF:en GREK):

[table id=399 /]


Källa: Factset

De största vikterna i indexet har företagen (sett utifrån ETF:en GREK):

[table id=400 /]


Källa: Factset

Hellenic Bottling Co S.A. som har den största vikten i indexet är en av världens största buteljerier för Coca-Cola. Bolaget har licens att sälja och distribuera en mängd olika drycker. Bolaget producerar och distribuerar även drycker under egna varumärken som Amitra, Avra, Deep RiverRock och Fruice. Den geografiska försäljningen är fördelad på Emerging Markets (42%), Established Markets (41%) och Developing Markets (17%). Inget ”grekiskt” bolag med andra ord. Andra stora bolag i indexet är OPAP som är ett spel och lotteribolag där den grekiska staten är storägare. OPAP har cirka 96% av försäljningen i Grekland och övriga 4% i Cypern.

*Källa: Wikipedia

