Ökat intresse för ETFer

Demand ETFs Ökat intresse för ETFerÖkat intresse för ETFer

I USA har de finansiella rådgivarna legat bakom den fantastiska tillväxten av börshandlade fonder, ETFer, medan i Storbritannien så handlar diskussionerna mest om hur regelverket skall anpassas. Ökat intresse för ETFer

I nedanstående video diskuterar Nick Blake, chef för brittiska detaljhandeln på Vanguard, ETFer och efterfrågan på börshandlade fonder med FTfms Chris Flood. Lyssna på mer om ett Ökat intresse för ETFer

Vanguard is one of the world’s largest investment companies, offering a large selection of low-cost mutual funds, ETFs, advice, and related services. Whether you are an individual investor or a financial professional, or you represent a corporate or institutional investor, you can benefit from the size, stability, and experience we offer.

The Vanguard Group is an American investment management company based in Malvern, Pennsylvania, that manages approximately $4 trillion in assets. It is the largest provider of mutual funds and now the second-largest provider of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the world after BlackRock, with about $451 billion in ETF assets under management, as of March 2015.It offers mutual funds and other financial products and services to retail and institutional investors in the United States and abroad. Founder and former chairman John C. Bogle is credited with the creation of the first index fund available to individual investors, the popularization of index funds generally, and driving costs down across the mutual fund industry.

Vanguard is owned by the funds themselves and, as a result, is owned by the investors in the funds.