Is Europe Back On Track?

Is Europe Back On Track?Is Europe Back On Track?

Is Europe Back On Track? Russ Koesterich describes the forces behind Europe’s success in 2015 and the opportunities this presents for investors.

About iShares

iShares is the largest ETF provider in the world, with more than 700 funds listed globally and more than $914.8 billion in assets under management.*

iShares scale

iShares are part of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager. iShares have over 40 years of indexing experience and have deep roots in every region of the world.


The iShares family of ETFs is built around virtually every leading index provider, including Barclays Capital, Cohen & Steers, Dow Jones, FTSE, JPMorgan, MSCI, NASDAQ, NYSE, Russell and Standard & Poor’s.


iShares Funds are listed on the NYSEArca, Chicago Board Options Exchange, BATS and NASDAQ.

ETFs combine features of mutual funds and stocks. With low overall costs, access to hundreds of companies and trading flexibility, it’s no wonder that ETFs are some of the fastest-growing investment vehicles in the financial market today.**

Can the Bull Market Continue?

Market Perspectives Call: Can the Bull Market Continue?

Can the Bull Market Continue? BlackRocks Russ Koesterich shares his outlook on the bull market and answers questions from listeners.

About iShares

iShares is the largest ETF provider in the world, with more than 700 funds listed globally and more than $914.8 billion in assets under management.*

iShares scale

iShares are part of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager. iShares have over 40 years of indexing experience and have deep roots in every region of the world.


The iShares family of ETFs is built around virtually every leading index provider, including Barclays Capital, Cohen & Steers, Dow Jones, FTSE, JPMorgan, MSCI, NASDAQ, NYSE, Russell and Standard & Poor’s.


iShares Funds are listed on the NYSEArca, Chicago Board Options Exchange, BATS and NASDAQ.

ETFs combine features of mutual funds and stocks. With low overall costs, access to hundreds of companies and trading flexibility, it’s no wonder that ETFs are some of the fastest-growing investment vehicles in the financial market today.**

Outlook oljepriset 2015

Outlook oljepriset 2015

Outlook oljepriset 2015 Råoljepriset har sjunkit till under 60 dollar per fat, en nedgång på mer än 45 procent under 2014. Blackrocks Russ Koesterich förklarar de tre viktiga ekonomiska krafterna bakom detta fenomen och ger sin prognos för oljepriset under 2015.

Läs även vad artikeln där vi berättar att EIA tror på fortsatt lågt oljepris 2015.

Pris på olja, både på WTI och Brent. Du kan se det aktuella priset på WTI- och Brent-olja, samt hur det oljepriset har utvecklats över olika tidsperioder. Överst visas WTI-priset och under det Brent-priset.

WTI (West Texas Intermediate), även känd som Texas Light Sweet, är den typ av olja som oftast används som riktmärke för prissättning av olja. WTI handlas i New York. Brent är den typ av olja som är vanligast i Europa.

What’s Ahead for Small Caps?

What’s Ahead for Small Caps?

iShares – What’s Ahead for Small Caps?

Vi kommer sannolikt att närma sig en period av åtstramning av de monetära förhållandena i USA. Blackrocks Chief Investment Strategist Russ Koesterich ger oss i denna video sina utsikter för small caps, What’s Ahead for Small Caps?


About iShares

iShares is the largest ETF provider in the world, with more than 700 funds listed globally and more than $914.8 billion in assets under management.*

iShares scale

iShares are part of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager. iShares have over 40 years of indexing experience and have deep roots in every region of the world.


The iShares family of ETFs is built around virtually every leading index provider, including Barclays Capital, Cohen & Steers, Dow Jones, FTSE, JPMorgan, MSCI, NASDAQ, NYSE, Russell and Standard & Poor’s.


iShares Funds are listed on the NYSEArca, Chicago Board Options Exchange, BATS and NASDAQ.

ETFs combine features of mutual funds and stocks. With low overall costs, access to hundreds of companies and trading flexibility, it’s no wonder that ETFs are some of the fastest-growing investment vehicles in the financial market today.**

Where to Find Opportunities within Emerging Markets

Where to Find Opportunities within Emerging Markets

Where to Find Opportunities within Emerging Markets – Market Perspectives Call (Sept 2014)

Lyssna på Russ Koesterich när han diskuterar vart möjligheterna finns i denna tillgångsklass, och vilka regioner och länder som bör undvikas. Läs även vår artikel om olika ETF-er med fokus på enskilda emerging market, så kallade


iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (EEM)

About iShares

iShares is the largest ETF provider in the world, with more than 700 funds listed globally and more than $914.8 billion in assets under management.*

iShares scale

iShares are part of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager. iShares have over 40 years of indexing experience and have deep roots in every region of the world.


The iShares family of ETFs is built around virtually every leading index provider, including Barclays Capital, Cohen & Steers, Dow Jones, FTSE, JPMorgan, MSCI, NASDAQ, NYSE, Russell and Standard & Poor’s.


iShares Funds are listed on the NYSEArca, Chicago Board Options Exchange, BATS and NASDAQ.

ETFs combine features of mutual funds and stocks. With low overall costs, access to hundreds of companies and trading flexibility, it’s no wonder that ETFs are some of the fastest-growing investment vehicles in the financial market today.**