En Spin-Off ETF i strålkastarljuset

En Spin-Off ETF i strålkastarljuset

Den stora majoriteten av de mest populära ETF: erna erbjuder investerare tillgång till en bred, diversifierad aktiegrupp. Men för dem som letar efter en unik twist på eget kapitalutrymmet kan Invescos Spin-Off ETF (NYSEArca: CSD) vara ett övertygande alternativ.

Invesco Spin-Off ETF (NYSEArca: CSD) erbjuder investerare unik tillgång till en viss delmängd av marknaden för avknoppningar – spin-offs. Fonden uppnår sitt mål genom att spåra Beacon Spin-off Index, som består av amerikanska noterade aktier som har knoppats av under de senaste två åren (men inte mer än sex månader före det aktuella återbalanseringsdatumet). Även om dessa avknoppningar främst är små och medelstora företag med marknadsvärde på mindre än 10 miljarder dollar, ställer indexet inte några begränsningar på marknadsvärdet.

Teorin bakom denna strategi är ganska enkel. Spin-offs skapas av företag som har separerat och sålt en del av sin verksamhet som en ny enhet. Generellt är dessa spin-offs ganska framgångsrika och lönsamma, eftersom mindre, riktade företag snabbare anpassar sig till förändringar och brukar ägna alla sina resurser mot kärnverksamheten.

CSD: s portfölj

CSD: s portfölj består av cirka 40 enskilda innehav, som representerar de högsta rankade aktierna från universiteten av avknoppade företag. Dessa värdepapper har den högsta sammansatta poängen av flera tillväxtorienterade multifaktorfilter. På grund av fondens metodik är det viktigt att notera att CSDs portfölj kan förändras betydligt: fondens återbalanseras halvårsvis, men om det inte finns tillräckligt med nya avknoppningar för att fylla i indexet, kan en återbalansering fördröjas.

CSDs portfölj består främst av aktier i små och medelstora företag från ett brett spektrum av sektorer, inklusive konsumentcykler, hälso- och sjukvård, fastigheter, industri, konsumentskydd och teknik.

Överväganden om CSD: s prestation

Med tanke på fondens ganska grunda portfölj är det viktigt att notera att de tio största värdepapperen får kraftfulla anslag (cirka 50% av AUM fördelas på de 10 största innehaven), vilket innebär att CSD: s prestanda är starkt beroende av resultatet av enbart en handfull av företag. Dessutom bör CSD: s vikt mot små och medelstora företag vägas in, eftersom dessa företag i sig är riskfyllda än deras stora motparter.

Så här använder du CSD, Spin-Off ETF, i en portfölj

För dem som letar efter ett billigt och effektivt sätt att kapitalisera på spin-off-marknaden är Spin-Off ETF (NYSEArca: CSD) ett övertygande alternativ – förutom det enda alternativet som specifikt riktar sig till det här hörnet av marknaden för marknadsintroduktion. Medan fondens portfölj är relativt olika kan CSD vara mer lämplig för de investerare som har högre risktoleranser, eftersom spin-offerna i sig är mer volatila än traditionella stora företag. CSD är dock en bra mellanklass för alla investerare som söker fantastiska tillväxtmöjligheter, eftersom spin-offs i allmänhet är stabila än traditionella immateriella rättigheter.

CSD tar ut en årlig förvaltningskostnad på 0,66%.

Spin-Off ETF (NYSEArca: CSD) är ett unikt alternativ för dem som vill få direkt tillgång till företag som nyligen har knoppats av. Dessutom erbjuder dess unika reglerbaserade metodik investerare stor potential för kapitaluppskattning. Som alltid, var noga med att göra din egen forskning för att avgöra om denna ETF passar in i din övergripande strategi innan du gör en fördelning.

Investerare återvänder till obligationer utgivna av Emerging Markets

IShares J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETF (NASDAQ: EMB), den största börshandlade fonden som spårar obligationerna i Emerging Markets, har utvecklats väl. Att efter fonden kämpade förra året mot bakgrund av stigande amerikanska räntor och starkare dollar ser allt nu ut att gå dess väg när investerare återvänder till obligationer utgivna av Emerging Markets.

EMB följer J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Core Index, ett marknadsvägt index. Potentiella investerare bör notera att eftersom länder med större skuld kommer att ha en större position i portföljen, eftersom det är ett marknadsvägt index. Vissa förvaltare, inklusive Morgan Stanley, ser möjligheter och återvänder till obligationer utgivna av Emerging Markets.

”Börshandlade fondinvesterare hällde 887 miljoner dollar i strategier knutna till tillgångsklassen eter Federal Reserves duvaktiga inriktning,” rapporterar Bloomberg. ”Mest, gick till iShares J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETF, eller EMB, som tog in 539,7 miljoner dollar.

Andra idéer

Tillsammans med EMB kan räntebärande investerare titta på alternativ som Invesco Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt Portfolio (NYSEArca: PCY) och JPMorgan USD Emerging Markets Sovereign Bond ETF (NYSEArca: JPMB) för att få exponering för dollarnominerade obligationer utgivna av Emerging Markets.

”Investerare kan troligen trösta sig med att i framtiden kommer Feds försiktighet att försämra dollarn, vilket skulle göra det lättare för tillväxtmarknadsföretag som har inkomster i lokal valuta att betala tillbaka sin utlandsskuld. Samtidigt gör utsikterna för stabila låneutgifter i USA en högre avkastning på utvecklingsnivån mer tilltalande, säger Bloomberg.

EMB har ett 30-dagars SEC-avkastning på 5,37% och en effektiv duration på 7,19 år. Fondens treåriga standardavvikelse ligger knappt 8%.

Cirka 85% av EMB: s 465 innehav är klassade BBB, BB eller B.

Ökad efterfrågan i år för fonder som EMB ”beror på de framväxande marknaderna i tillväxtmarknaderna efter en särskilt grov 2018, enligt Bloomberg Intelligence-undersökningen som sade att årets flöden antagligen återspeglar botten”, säger Bloomberg.

Invesco sees US$1 billion flow into 7-10 Year US Treasury ETF

Invesco has seen more than US$1 billion flow into its US Treasury Bond 7-10 year UCITS ETF in just over a month after launch, making it one of the fastest-growing ETFs ever to be launched by Invesco in Europe.

The ETF was launched in mid-January as part of a suite of four US Treasury ETFs, which at the time of launch were the lowest cost US Treasury Bond ETFs in Europe. Invesco is offering investors a choice of funds with maturities of either 1-3 years, 3-7 years, 7-10 years or broad exposure across the full maturity spectrum of up to 30 years. The four funds are available to trade in USD or GBP on the London Stock Exchange and have ongoing charges of 0.06% per annum.

Paul Syms, Head of EMEA ETF Fixed Income Product Management at Invesco, said, “We have seen plenty of client interest in our range of low-cost US Treasury ETFs, but with the strongest demand coming in the 7-10 year maturity segment. We think this is due to a more subdued outlook for US interest rates, with investors feeling arguably more confident with the higher yields available further out the maturity spectrum. We expect this demand to continue given the wider market and risk environment and the competitive nature of these products. Highly rated bonds are valued for their ‘safe haven’ status and could be increasingly attractive for any investor who is concerned about recession or market volatility.”

Each of the four US Treasury Invesco ETFs are invested physically in the constituents of the relevant Bloomberg Barclays US Treasury Index. These indices comprise USD-denominated, fixed-rate, nominal debt issued by the US Treasury. A GBP-hedged version of the Invesco US Treasury Bond 7-10 Year UCITS ETF is also available on the LSE with an ongoing charge of 0.10% per annum.

About Invesco

Invesco is an independent investment management firm dedicated to delivering an investment experience that helps people get more out of life. NYSE: IVZ; www.invesco.com

Level of debt worries bond investors; majority expects higher risk premiums

Bond investors see high debt levels as the greatest concern for the global economy. More than three-quarters of respondents consider high government debt as a possible trigger of a new recession or market crisis.

This is one of the conclusions of the second Global Fixed Income Study by asset manager Invesco, based on interviews with 145 bond specialists and CIOs in EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa), North America and Asia. Together the respondents account for assets under management of $ 14.1 trillion.

A possible new crisis in emerging markets, the Chinese debt position and the high debt of companies and consumers were also often mentioned as the likely cause of a recession or market correction. Rising interest rates will have a significant impact on financing costs and the number of defaults. A majority (60%) of bond investors expect rising risk premiums over the next three years.

The risk of central banks raising interest rates too quickly is estimated as being much lower: less than one in three fear this scenario. Geopolitical tensions, a housing market crisis or the break-up of the eurozone are also low on the list of concerns of fixed-interest investors. A minority (27%) expects a reverse yield curve within three years; almost half (45%) foresee contrast the persistence of a flat yield curve. One in three (34%) is concerned about rising inflation.

Invesco also asked investors whether they expect a market correction. 44% of the respondents think we are heading for a ’significant’ correction, 28% disagree. More than one in three (37%) anticipates a crash on the stock markets within twelve months, 34% consider a crash on the bond markets as the largest tail risk.

American investors are significantly more pessimistic: nearly six out of ten expect a significant market correction, 56% are worried about inflation and almost half (48%) are concerned that central banks are raising interest rates too quickly. More than half of the US respondents also expect that the current economic expansion will end within a year – European investors by contrast see the phase of economic expansion continuing for another one to two years.

Nick Tolchard, Head of Europe, the Middle East & Africa (EMEA) for Invesco Fixed Income commented

“The U.S. political situation has likely contributed to the pessimistic outlook of North American fixed-income investors. Elevated rhetoric from the Trump administration regarding trade with China, Europe, Canada, and Mexico, plus the introduction of tariffs, have had a significant impact on optimism. From a political and market perspective, perceptions that the Fed has remained determined not to provide further policy support, and speculation about the potential for the yield curve to invert, have added to concerns.”

Invesco also asked the bond investors for their view on China, whose importance in international bond indices is on the rise. In Europe, 40% of respondents have exposure to the country, while in North America it is even lower. Western investors are well behind those in Asia, where nearly 70% of fixed-income investors are invested in China. In the EMEA region, one in ten investors wants to increase the weight of Chinese bonds over the next three years. This figure is in stark contrast to North America, where nearly 60% of the respondents want to invest more in Chinese bonds.

The planned expansion aside, China’s weight in the average bond portfolio is still low: an average of 5% for an institutional portfolio. Investors see different obstacles and are particularly afraid of higher risks and government intervention (such as capital restrictions). Nevertheless, nearly two out of three respondents are of the opinion that China is currently underrepresented in international bond portfolios.

Invesco’s Global Fixed Income Study also focuses extensively on LDI (liability-driven investing) and sustainable investing.

Invesco launches blockchain ETF with Elwood Asset Management

Invesco is launching an innovative ETF (exchange traded fund) designed to target companies with potential to generate real earnings from blockchain technology. The Invesco Elwood Global Blockchain UCITS ETF has been developed in partnership with Elwood Asset Management (“Elwood”), an investment firm specialising in providing institutional investors with exposure to digital assets and blockchain technology.

Bin Ren, CEO of Elwood, explains, “Blockchain has been around for a decade, but many people still see it just as the technology behind cryptocurrencies. The true potential, however, may extend far beyond that.

We are beginning to see the technology being used by financial services companies in particular, but we expect greater application of blockchain technology across a wide range of industries. We believe the potential for blockchain to change the global economy is greatly underappreciated in today’s market, much like the internet was in the beginning, when most people couldn’t see past its usefulness for email.”

Blockchain is a ledger

A blockchain is a ledger that enables the transfer of assets to create a transparent, unalterable, traceable and permanent record of all transactions involving those particular assets. Cryptocurrencies were the first assets to use the blockchain technology, but assets can also be physical, or they could be medical records, legal contracts or any other information that flows between multiple parties.

Chris Mellor, Head of EMEA ETF Equity Product Management at Invesco, said, “The potential for blockchain to drive real earnings is huge, but it is often hidden within companies involved in other areas. This ETF offers investors access to companies with real earnings now, but with the added potential of blockchain-related earnings not reflected in their share prices.”

The ETF aims to deliver the performance of the Elwood Blockchain Global Equity Index by physically investing in the index constituents. The index offers exposure to global companies in developed and emerging markets that participate or have the potential to participate in the blockchain ecosystem. It is designed to evolve with the potential growth of blockchain technology.

‘Developing’ or ‘potential’ phase

Kevin Beardsley, Head of Business Development at Elwood, commented, “The majority of the index is currently allocated to companies where the value attributable specifically to blockchain technology is either in the ‘developing’ or ‘potential’ phase. These are companies with assets that are well-positioned to capitalize on the emerging opportunities for blockchain. Over time, however, we would expect the balance to shift naturally to companies with more significant direct exposure to blockchain-related earnings as the technology becomes more ubiquitous.”

In terms of the largest sector allocations, the index currently has 46% in information technology, 23% in financials, 9% in communication services and 8% in both the materials and consumer discretionary sectors. The three largest geographical allocations are to the US (39%), Japan (29%) and Taiwan (12%).

Calculated by Solactive AG

The index is calculated for Elwood Asset Management by Solactive AG, a globally recognised index provider with expertise in tailor-made indices. The index is reviewed and rebalanced quarterly.

The Invesco Elwood Global Blockchain UCITS ETF is the latest example of Invesco’s expertise in identifying new and interesting segments of the market and creating funds that enable investors to access those opportunities efficiently. Invesco launched the first ETFs in Europe that provided targeted exposure to the financial technology and biotechnology sectors, and the firm also offers a full range of US and European sector ETFs.