Time to short sugar, coffee and soybeans

ETF Securities Commodity Research - Time to short sugar, coffee and soybeansTime to short sugar, coffee and soybeans

ETF Securities Commodity Research – Time to short sugar, coffee and soybeans


  • Sugar, coffee and soybeans have made spectacular returns this year, but much of their gains have been driven by currency movements, particularly the Brazilian Real.
  • With record production of Arabica coffee and soybeans expected in 2016/17 and a narrowing deficit in sugar, the rally is likely to come under pressure.
  • If the Brazilian Real remains stable, we expect fundamentals to prevail and the price of these sugar, coffee and soybeans to decline.

Brazilian Real drives rally

The El Niño weather pattern led to a failed monsoon in India and unseasonably wet weather in South America in 2015/16. However at the time of onset of the adverse weather, the price of sugar, coffee and soy made only muted moves. The sharp depreciation of the Brazilian Real weighed on their performance as stocks of these commodities could be sold in US Dollars, providing millers and farmers with improved margins. When the Brazilian Real started to appreciate we saw the price of the commodities make substantial returns. Year-to-date, sugar, coffee and soybeans have returned 35%, 19% and 25% respectively.
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Weather patterns changing

The El Niño of 2015 was one of the most extreme on record by some measures, but the impacts of the weather phenomenon should be largely behind us now. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasts that the opposite weather phenomenon, La Niña, will emerge by the Northern Hemisphere autumn with a probability of 75%. La Niña involves a cooling of the Pacific Ocean (in a similar manner to El Niño warming the ocean), which changes trade winds and weather patterns from what is considered to be normal. Broadly speaking, areas that were excessively warm and dry in El Niño are likely to turn cool and wet in a La Niña. We assessed the likely impacts of La Niña emerging in autumn/winter (see Opportunity to short agriculture with La Niña) which highlights that the weather phenomenon is likely to be price negative for many crops with the exception of sugar. Cooler Southern Hemisphere temperatures are likely to reduce the heat damage that we have seen in the past crop. Sugar maybe an exception as cooler, wetter weather could reduce the sucrose content of cane in Brazil.
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Record coffee production

After two consecutive years of production decline, coffee output is expected to rebound to an all-time high. Brazil, which produces approximately 45% of global Arabica supplies has seen favourable rain during the flowering of its coffee bushes, setting the scene for a healthy crop. Although the beginning of the harvest has been slowed by rain, current dry and warm weather should allow for field work to catch up. Brazilian output is expected to rise by close to 20% in the current 2016/17 crop. Elsewhere, production in Honduras (7% of global production) is expected to make a recovery after the planting of ‘rust- resistant’ trees several years ago, which is helping to improve yields. The country has engaged in a renovation programme to protect its coffee from the rust-leaf fungus which has reduced production from Central America and Mexico for the past four years. Honduran production is likely to hit an all-time high of 6.1 mn bags (a 7% gain).
(Click to enlarge)

Narrowing sugar deficit

After 5 consecutive years of sugar surplus, 2015/16 was the first year of a deficit. The failed monsoon in India and Thailand has seen production in these two countries decline the most (the combined output of both countries is about 25% of global production). Production in Brazil (20% of global production) also declined, not because of a decline in cane growth, but because more cane was used for ethanol production. The 2016/17 cane harvest in Brazil, which is about a quarter complete, is progressing 15% faster than last year’s harvest. With relatively low gasoline prices we don’t expect a large diversion to ethanol this year. Sugar production in Brazil is running 25% ahead of where it was last year and we expect a 7% increase in Brazilian sugar output in 2016/17.
(click to enlarge) The Indian monsoon is currently approaching its northern limits and rainfall has been at the long-term average. In contrast to last year, resevoirs will likely be amply replenished. Indian sugar output is likely to rise as a result of more favourable conditions for its cane crop. Sugar consumption is expected to rise by 1% globally, leaving the market in a production deficit despite the increase in supply. However, that supply deficit will narrow. While sugar stocks will continue to decline, they will remain above the long-term average of 31 million tonnes.

Soybeans head for record production

The Argentine soybean harvest in 2015/16, which is virtually complete, is expected to produce 8% less soybeans that the previous year as flooding in April and May spoiled the crop. Argentina provides approximately 20% of global production. Brazil (30% of global production) has seen its harvest remain close to the previous year’s levels. The 2016/17 year crop for Argentina and Brazil has not yet been planted. The US 2015/16 crop was a record high. Although USDA projects a decline for 2016/17, we believe that their forecast remains overly conservative. By July 3rd 2016, 22% of the crop was blooming (8% ahead of last year) and 72% of crop was in good or excellent condition (10% better of last year). Moreover, planted acreage of soybean in the US has increased by 1%.
(click to enlarge) Speculative positioning in soybean futures stand more than 1.5 standard deviations above the 5-year average, highlighting that investor optimism remains elevated. We believe that the investor optimism is a response to the disappointing Argentine crop of 2015/16. While the 2016/17 Southern Hemisphere crop is not yet in the ground, our analysis of La Niñas indicate that weather conditions could be quite favourable for the crop this year.

Downside risk to Real

While difficult to predict the path of a currency that has been so volatile in the past few years, we believe that the good news about relative political stability (after the impeachment of the President Dilma Rousseff) has been largely priced in. Economic conditions remain challenging for the country and therefore limit significant further appreciation. We believe that currency appreciation will no longer be a meaningful catalyst for price increases in sugar, soybean and coffee for the remainder of this year and the crops will trade on their own fundamentals. Rising production should therefore be price-negative.

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This communication has been issued and approved for the purpose of section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 by ETF Securities (UK) Limited (“ETFS UK”) which is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”). The information contained in this communication is for your general information only and is neither an offer for sale nor a solicitation of an offer to buy securities. This communication should not be used as the basis for any investment decision. Historical performance is not an indication of future performance and any investments may go down in value. This document is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an advertisement or any other step in furtherance of a public offering of shares or securities in the United States or any province or territory thereof. Neither this document nor any copy hereof should be taken, transmitted or distributed (directly or indirectly) into the United States. This communication may contain independent market commentary prepared by ETFS UK based on publicly available information. Although ETFS UK endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the content in this communication, ETFS UK does not warrant or guarantee its accuracy or correctness. Any third party data providers used to source the information in this communication make no warranties or representation of any kind relating to such data. Where ETFS UK has expressed its own opinions related to product or market activity, these views may change. Neither ETFS UK, nor any affiliate, nor any of their respective officers, directors, partners, or employees accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this publication or its contents. ETFS UK is required by the FCA to clarify that it is not acting for you in any way in relation to the investment or investment activity to which this communication relates. In particular, ETFS UK will not provide any investment services to you and or advise you on the merits of, or make any recommendation to you in relation to, the terms of any transaction. No representative of ETFS UK is authorised to behave in any way which would lead you to believe otherwise. ETFS UK is not, therefore, responsible for providing you with the protections afforded to its clients and you should seek your own independent legal, investment and tax or other advice as you see fit.

Ny fond erbjuder tillgång till Brasiliens fastighetsmarknad

Ny fond erbjuder tillgång till Brasiliens fastighetsmarknad

Brasilien är mer än bara iShares MSCI Brazil Capped ETF (NYSEArca: EWZ). Denna börshandlade fond är förvisso den största och mest välkända av alla de ETFer som fokuserar på investeringar i Brasilien, men det finns andra som inte erbjuder lika tung exponering mot brasilianska aktier. En av dessa nischade ETFer är en ny fond som erbjuder tillgång till Brasiliens fastighetsmarknad, Tierra XP Latin America Real Estate ETF (NYSEArca: LARE) LARE lanserades i december 2015, och följer Solactive Latin America Real Estate Index, ett index som också omfattar fastigheter i Mexiko. Brasilien och Mexiko är Latinamerikas två största ekonomier.

Äger brasilianska och mexikanska REITs

LARE äger aktier i brasilianska och mexikanska REITs, men har även direktinvesteringar i aktier i större, listade fastighetsbolag i Mexiko, Brasilien och Chile. Fördelningen mellan REITs och REOCs ligger på 54 procent respektive 46 procent av denna ETFs 52 olika komponenter. Solactive Latin America Real Estate Index screenar alla noterade aktier som har sin primärlistning i Latinamerika och har sin huvudsakliga inkomst från fastigheter alternativt från fastighetsrelaterade tjänster. Indexet använder sedan utdelning, börsvärde och likviditet i de underliggande aktierna för att fastställa vikter. Indexet ombalanseras kvartalsvis.

Brasilianska aktier på högvarv

Tidigare gick den brasilianska aktiemarknaden för högvarv efter det att den förre presidenten Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva greps. Därefter har hans efterträdare Dilma Rousseff flyttat ut från presidentpalatset, men den brasilianska ekonomin står inför otaliga utmaningar. Aktiehandlarna ser detta som positivt, och har ställt upp aktiekurserna kraftigt i år efter spekulationer om att en ny administration kan anta ett antal åtstramningsåtgärder och reformer för att stabilisera ekonomin i Brasilien. Fastighetsmarknaden i Brasilien har varit under press på grund av lågkonjunkturen i landet. Tierra Funds som ligger bakom LARE är emellertid optimistiska trots ett antal våndor och den politiska oro som ligger bakom den riksrätt som väntar president Dilma Rousseff. Det finns emellertid skäl att anta att den brasilianska ekonomin står inför en vändning och att situationen stabiliseras och att det mycket väl kan komma en räntesänkning, vilket skulle gynna Brasiliens fastighetsmarknad.

Handskas försiktigt med den brasilianska aktiemarknaden

Handskas försiktigt med den brasilianska aktiemarknaden

Handskas försiktigt med den brasilianska aktiemarknaden trots den senaste tidens nyheter. Nyheten om ett eventuellt åtal för Brasiliens president Dilma Rousseff har setts som en potentiell katalysator för landets förtryckta aktiemarknad och iShares MSCI Brazil Capped ETF (NYSEArca: EWZ), den största av de börshandlade fonder som replikerar utvecklingen av ekonomin i Brasilien. Investerarna bör emellertid dämpa sina kortsiktiga förväntningar på de effekter detta kan komma att medföra.

Under det tredje kvartalet 2015 minskade Brasiliens bruttonationalprodukt med rekordhöga 4,5 procent jämfört med samma period under 2014. Detta gör att den brasilianska ekonomin befinner sig i den värsta lågkonjunkturen sedan 1930-talet. Under det tredje kvartalet 2015 minskade landets ekonomi med 1,7 procent.

Rekordstort antal nedgraderingar av företag

Under 2015 har vi sett ett rekordstort antal nedgraderingar av de brasilianska företagens kreditbetyg. Under 2016 kan emellertid förhållandet komma att hamna på 10 mot 1 enligt kreditvärderingsinstitutet Fitch, i synnerhet om Brasiliens eget kreditbetyg nedgraderas. Den 10 december var Fitch det andra kreditvärderingsinstitutet som nedgraderade Brasiliens kreditbetyg. Fitch sänkte kreditbetyget för Brasilien till BBB- med negativa utsikter, efter det att Standard & Poor tidigare nedgraderat Brasiliens kreditbetyg till skräpstatus. BBB- betyder att Brasilien inte längre har investment grade status något som gör att många institionella placerare kommer att tvingas sälja av sina brasilianska aktier och fonder. Att Brasilien har gått från BB+ till BBB- innebar en kraftig sänkning, men det speglar samtidigt betyget för mer än hälften av de brasilianska företagen.

Det är flera faktorer som ligger bakom nedgången i den brasilianska ekonomin. Arbetslösheten i september steg till 7,9 procent, att jämföra med 4,7 procent under oktober 2014 samtidigt som inflationen i Brasilien steg till över tio procent för första gången sedan 2002. Sedan har landets budgetunderskott ökat och ligger på 9,5 procent av Brasiliens bruttonationalprodukt. Addera sedan lägre råvarupriser, ett fallande oljepris, minskande konsumentkreditexpansion och en korruptionsskandal i statliga oljejätten Petroleo Brasileiro så är det enkelt att se varför det är säkrast att handskas försiktigt med den brasilianska aktiemarknaden.

Brasiliens valuta, realen, befinner sig i en negativ spiral i förhållande till den amerikanska dollarn. För närvarande befinner sig valutaparet USDBRL på den lägsta nivån på flera år, men kan komma att falla ytterligare, i synnerhet om de globala investerarna oroar sig för ytterligare kreditnedgraderingar för Brasilien.

Omvända ETFer för placerare som är negativa till Brasilien

Mot bakgrund av de pågående problemen i Brasilien kan mer aggressiva handlare titta på så kallade omvända ETFer eller börshandlade fonder som ger en negativ hävstång för att kapitalisera på den brasilianska aktiemarknadens nedgång. Omvända ETFer, eller inverterade börshandlade fonder är sådana ETFer som ger sina ägare en positiv avkastning när den underliggande tillgången går upp och vice versa. ProShares ultra MSCI Brazil Capped ETF (NYSEArca: BZQ) ger till exempel sina ägare -2 x eller 200 procent av den inverterade dagliga avkastningen på MSCI Brazil 25/50 Index, som fungerar som det underliggande indexet för EWZ.

Under den förra veckan inledde de brasilianska lagstiftarna åtalet mot Rousseff vilket Moodys Investors Service tror kan komma att leda till att Brasiliens rating går ned till skräp. Det skulle i sådant fall göra att alla tre stora kreditratingföretag har sänkt kreditbetyget för Brasilien.

iShares MSCI Brazil Capped ETF

Bearish bets on coffee hit record high

Bearish bets on coffee hit record high

Trade Idea – Commodities – Bearish bets on coffee hit record high
26th November 2015

Coffee prices to remain depressed

•         Last week the BRL staged a 3% rally as the incumbent Brazilian President, Dilma Rousseff, won a political victory aimed at narrowing the country’s growing budget deficit. The strengthening of the BRL sent the price of Arabica coffee soaring 8% from 23 month lows (see Figure 1, Source: Bloomberg) and partially reversed a downward trend that has plagued the soft commodity since the end of last year. Brazil is the largest global exporter of Arabica coffee and the recent weakening of its currency has, until September, significantly weighed on the coffee price[1]. In coming months, we expect support from favourable currency movements to fade and a strong coffee supply outlook for 2016/17 crop year to weigh on price, benefiting those investors with tactical short exposure to coffee.

Speculative coffee positioning reaches record low

•         According to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), short bets on coffee swelled to the highest level on record in the week to Nov 17 (see figure 2), reflecting the bearish sentiment that has dominated coffee trading until last week’s recovery. We believe that bearish sentiment will reassert and help to push coffee prices lower as soon as BRL strength abates. The Brazilian economy is currently under considerable duress as stagflation and political turmoil weigh on the nation’s prospects. Therefore, we believe that the optimism that has fuelled the recent BRL appreciation is fragile and will likely fade as the economy slips further into recession and political uncertainty persists.

Favourable supply outlook

•         The Brazilian harvest for 2015/16 is almost complete and despite the 2014 drought prompting forecasts of a large fall in production, output has only fallen 3% YoY (Source: United States Department of Agriculture). Looking ahead to next year, good rain in key producing regions is helping the flowering process of Brazilian coffee trees which should aid coffee cherry development and in turn increase the likelihood of a strong yield from the 2016/17 harvest.

•         Elsewhere, Columbia and Honduras have seen production grow 40% and 46% respectively over the past five years as tree renovation programmes, aimed at combatting coffee rust (disease that affects coffee plantations), pay considerable dividends (see Figure 3). Given that both are top five global exporters of coffee (third and fifth respectively) this trend will likely be another source of pressure on coffee prices in the near future.

Investors wishing to express the investment views outlined above may consider using the following ETF Securities ETPs:

•         ETFS Coffee (COFF)
•         ETFS 2x Daily Long Coffee (LCFE)
•         ETFS 1x Daily Short Coffee (SCFE)
•         ETFS 3x Daily Long Coffee (3CFL)
•         ETFS 3x Daily Short Coffee (3CFS)
•         ETFS EUR Daily Hedged Coffee (ECOF)
•         Swiss Franc Daily Hedged Coffee (CCOF)

The complete ETF Securities product list can be found here.
[1] Brazilian coffee suppliers increase output as a weaker BRL means that their produce become cheaper on international US Dollar denominated markets.


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Disclaimer Text This communication has been issued and approved for the purpose of section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 by ETF Securities (UK) Limited (“ETFS UK”) which is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”). The information contained in this communication is for your general information only and is neither an offer for sale nor a solicitation of an offer to buy securities. This communication should not be used as the basis for any investment decision. Historical performance is not an indication of future performance and any investments may go down in value. This document is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an advertisement or any other step in furtherance of a public offering of shares or securities in the United States or any province or territory thereof. Neither this document nor any copy hereof should be taken, transmitted or distributed (directly or indirectly) into the United States. This communication may contain independent market commentary prepared by ETFS UK based on publicly available information. Although ETFS UK endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the content in this communication, ETFS UK does not warrant or guarantee its accuracy or correctness. Any third party data providers used to source the information in this communication make no warranties or representation of any kind relating to such data. Where ETFS UK has expressed its own opinions related to product or market activity, these views may change. Neither ETFS UK, nor any affiliate, nor any of their respective, officers, directors, partners, or employees accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this publication or its contents. ETFS UK is required by the FCA to clarify that it is not acting for you in any way in relation to the investment or investment activity to which this communication relates. In particular, ETFS UK will not provide any investment services to you and or advise you on the merits of, or make any recommendation to you in relation to, the terms of any transaction. No representative of ETFS UK is authorised to behave in any way which would lead you to believe otherwise. ETFS UK is not, therefore, responsible for providing you with the protections afforded to its clients and you should seek your own independent legal, investment and tax or other advice as you see fit. While this communication is made by ETFS UK, certain content has been produced and provided for ETFS UK by Roubini Global Economics, LLC (“RGE”). RGE is an independent, unaffiliated third party to ETFS UK. No forwarding, reprinting, republication or any other redistribution of this content is permissible without the express consent of RGE and ETFS UK. RGE and ETFS UK reserve the right to enforce their respective copyrights and pursue any such other action as they deem appropriate in respect of any such unauthorised use, republication or redistribution of this communication.

Det brasilianska valet 2014

Det brasilianska valet 2014

Det brasilianska valet 2014 Brasiliens sittande president, Dilma Rousseff, stod i går som vinnare i det brasilianska valet 2014, mycket på grund av hennes löften om ett program att fördela inkomsterna i landet. Hon misslyckades emellertid med att få en majoritet.

Efter en berg-och dalbanekampanj, vann det brasilianska arbetarpartiet valet med 41,4 procent av rösterna, följt av det mer företagsvänliga socialdemokratiska partiet, som säkrade andra plats med ett spektakulär sent uppsving som ökade de totala rösterna till 33,7 procent.

Vänster-höger kampen mellan landets två största partier är en besvikelse för dem som hade hoppats på förändring i form av före detta miljöminister Marina Silva, som ledde loppet kring valurnorna i ett skede, men slutade på i en avlägsen tredje plats med 21,3 procent – nästan samma röstetal som hon lyckades få under sitt sista försök för fyra år sedan.

Valet tycktes ha genomförts fredligt som 143 miljoner väljare på väg till vallokalerna överallt från Atlantkusten till djupt inne i Amazonas regnskog. Vissa väljare fick åka med båt i mer än 12 timmar för att nå ett valbås, enligt lokala medier.

Valet stod alltså mellan arbetarpartiets sittande president, den före detta marxist-guerillan Dilma Rousseff och den före detta miljöministern Marina da Silva, som också varit militant ledare i hus- och mark-ockupant-organisationen Sem Terra, vilka inte är några fredliga husockupanter av Europeiskt slag, om någon trodde det.

Marinas karaktär är paradoxal eftersom hon är gift med den rikaste skövlaren av regnskogen i Amazonas som med vapen och mord enligt den allmänna uppfattningen jagar bort ursprungsbefolkningen.

Ingen av dessa förefaller veta hur man skapar välstånd i ett land, eller ens vilja föra en politik som åstadkommer detta. Detta förklarar kanske också de branta kursfallen för såväl valutan som aktiebörsen den senaste tiden.

Marina da Silva har ungefär lika mycket stöd som Aecio Neves, som är högerns kandidat. Hans farfar såg till att Brasilien blev en demokrati år 1987. Aecio verkar dock inte ha ärvt några av hans dygder, alls. I vilket fall avgörs inte valet idag, utan det går till en andra omgång, mellan två av de tre kandidaterna.

Räkna med en fortsatt volatil aktiemarknad i Brasilien den närmaste tiden.

iShares MSCI Brazil ETF