Global ETP sector again records net inflows in November

Global ETP sector again records net inflows in NovemberGlobal ETP sector again records net inflows in November; Another strong month for American ETP market; Substantial inflows for Equity ETFs in particular; Asia ETFs recorded significant outflows; Positive trend for Bond ETFs at an end for now.

Europe Monthly ETF Market Review; Deutsche Bank Markets Research

Data as at: 30.11.2015 Global ETP sector again records net inflows in November

Global ETP Market In and Outflows:

• The global ETP industry continued to grow during November. After net inflows totaling US dollar 34 billion in October, the November figure was a further US dollar 25.7 billion. As such, the industry now manages US Dollar 2.9 trillion. (p. 1, 23)
• As in the previous month, the American ETP sector was the driver of this growth. It contributed US dollar 26 billion to global growth. Since the start of the year US ETPs have secured virtually US dollar 200 billion. In keeping with the previous month, inflows from Equity ETFs dominated with US dollar 25 billion.
• The trend for Bond ETFs turned negative in November. In contrast to worldwide inflows of US dollar 14.5 billion for this segment in October, during the month just past investors withdrew US dollar 47 million. (p. 23)
• Inflows also declined for Commodities ETCs. After a plus of US dollar 789 million in October, the past month saw a minus of US dollar 153 million. (p. 23)
• In parallel with the American ETP sector, the European ETF sector continued to grow during November. Following net inflows of US dollar 6.9 billion for October, the sector secured US dollar 3.4 billion in November. Equity ETF inflows also dominated in this case. (p. 23)
• Conversely, Asian ETPs saw a continuation of the negative trend of the previous month. Investors withdrew US dollar 3.7 billion. Equity ETFs were particularly affected with outflows running to US dollar 3 billion. In fact, Bond ETFs also recorded a decline. (p. 23).

European ETF Market In and Outflows

• The positive trend for European ETFs continued during November. In total, the sector recorded net inflows of Euro 3.1 billion, compared with October’s Euro 5.9 billion. This was primarily due to Bond ETFs with net inflows of Euro 515 million which was significantly lower than the previous month (+ Euro 3.5 billion). At the same time, net inflows for Equity ETFs at Euro 2.5 billion were slightly higher than in October (+ Euro 2.4 billion). (p. 23)
• ETFs on US Equities were particularly in demand with European investors. With net inflows of Euro 637 million, US Equities accounted for one quarter of positive Equity ETF cash flows, followed by Global Indices (+ Euro 436 million) and Japanese Equities (+ Euro 387 million). This marked a trend change for US Equities after investors withdrew capital totaling Euro 227 million from this segment in October. Net inflows recorded by ETFs on European Equities fell to Euro 54 million after Euro 1.1 billion the previous month. (p. 25)
• Since the start of the year, cumulative net inflows recorded by ETFs on broadly-based European Equity Indices total Euro 20.3 billion, although during November the trend showed a slight change with investors withdrawing Euro 279 million from this segment. (p. 25)
• The positive shift in ETFs on Emerging Markets continued in November. This segment recorded a further Euro 6 million following Euro 824 million in October. Since the start of the year however, Emerging Markets ETFs have registered total outflows of Euro 1.9 billion. (p. 26)
• Having said that, during November inflows for ETFs on large Emerging Markets declined, in particular India ETFs where investors withdrew Euro 225 million. Positive inflows were recorded by ETFs on international Emerging Markets Indices. (p. 26)
• Strategy ETFs achieved a turnaround in November again registering inflows of Euro 178 million, after October’s outflows of Euro 481 million. (p. 24)


• The positive trend for Bond ETFs also progressed in November, although net inflows of Euro 0.5 billion were significantly lower than the October figure (+ Euro 3.5 billion). (p. 26)
• In this arena, ETFs on Corporate Bonds accounted for the highest inflows with Euro 1.7 billion. This exceeded the October inflows figure. From an annual viewpoint, Corporate Bonds have registered net inflows amounting to Euro 13.1 billion. (p. 26)
• The positive trend over recent months for Sovereign Bonds has come to an end for the time being. Investors withdrew Euro 1.3 billion from this segment. (p. 26)


• European Commodities ETPs registered Euro 166 million in November after Euro 340 million during October. (p. 27)
•While ETFs on Industrial Metals did once again generate slightly positive cash flows, ETFs on Precious Metals shed Euro 167 million contrasted with October when this segment had made a positive contribution to inflows. (p. 27)

Most Popular Indices

• In November, investors showed interest in Real Estate and Dividend ETFs. As such, ETFs on Real Estate Equity Indices in particular came high up the lists. (p. 28)
• The most popular Equity Indices in November were the S&P 500, the Euro STOXX 50 as well as the Stoxx 600. (p. 28)
• In the Bond arena, ETFs on Corporate Bond Indices in particular proved to be some of the most popular indices. (p. 28)

The risks of ETFs include the following:

─ ETFs with indirect replication carry a counterparty risk of max. 10% of the net book value from derivatives transactions according to restrictions set out in OGAW/UCITS III.
─ The value of ETF units can be negatively influenced by legal, economic or political changes, market volatility and/or volatility in the assets of the sub-fund and/or the reference object.
─ The value of ETF units can fall at any time below the price that the investor paid for the fund units. Losses can result.
─ The value of ETF units can be negatively influenced by fluctuation in exchange rates.
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Celebrating Gold ETPs

Graham Tuckwell, Chairman of ETF Securities – Celebrating Gold ETPs

Celebrating Gold ETPs In 2003, ETF Securities listed the world’s first physically-backed gold exchange-traded commodity (ETC), on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) in 2003.

In 2005, ETF Securities created Europe’s first oil ETC and in 2006 established the world’s first commodities ETC platform, making 19 commodities and 10 commodity indices available on the London Stock Exchange and other European exchanges. In 2008, the Company listed the first carbon ETC on the London Stock Exchange.

More recently in 2013, ETF Securities listed currency-hedged physical gold investment products on the London Stock Exchange and the Deutsche Boerse and began offering the world’s first Gold ETP to allow physical redemption by retail and institutional investors.

The ETF Securities Group provides accessible investment solutions, enabling investors to intelligently diversify their portfolios beyond traditional asset classes and strategies.

We are pioneers in specialist investments, having developed the world’s first gold exchange traded commodity. Today we offer one of the most comprehensive ranges of specialist exchange traded products (ETPs) covering commodities, FX and thematic equities traded on major exchanges across the world. Using that pioneering spirit, our unrivalled expertise and by working with best-in-class third parties, we seek out the most relevant opportunities and make them accessible to investors as intelligent alternatives.

Five key strengths underpin what we do every day and all of them working together is what makes us different, specialist and unique – the intelligent alternative.

Enkel exponering mot metaller och andra råvaror med ETPer

Enkel exponering mot metaller och andra råvaror med ETPer

ETPer, en passiv investeringsform som lämpar sig väl för den som vill ha en enkel exponering mot metaller och andra råvaror. Tillkomsten av börshandlade produkter, så kallade exchange traded products eller ETPer som de också brukar kallas för, har revolutionerat råvarumarknaden från ett investerarperspektiv. Med hjälp av en ETP kan en investerare få en enkel exponering mot metaller och andra råvaror och ta del av både spotpriser och framtida utveckling av den underliggande tillgången.

Skillnaden mellan fysiskt uppbackade och syntetiskt uppbackade ETPer

En ETP är egentligen en mycket enkel produkt. Det finns två typer av ETPer, dels sådana som är fysiskt uppbackade av till exempel en råvara, dels syntetiskt uppbackade ETPer. Fysiska råvaru ETP backas upp av en viss mängd av till exempel en råvara och ger exponering mot rörelser i det underliggande spotpriset.

En syntetisk ETP å andra sidan brukar i allmänhet följa ett index, existerande eller ett för ändamålet framtaget sådant. Detta index brukar i allmänhet bestå av underliggande terminskontrakt på ett index, en aktie eller en råvara. Dessa terminskontrakt rullas ständigt framåt och ger på detta sätt investeraren en exponering mot den underliggande tillgången.

Noteringen av råvaruprodukter på reglerade börser har varit en banbrytande utveckling vilken ger investerare en effektiv metod för att få exponering mot förändringar i priset på råvaror utan att behöva ta fysisk leverans. Investerare kan använda ETPer för att komma åt enskilda råvaror eller korgar som ger en bred exponering mot alla-råvaror.
En ETP är ett vanligt samlingsnamn som innefattar ett par olika strukturer, och det är främst två typer i Europa – börshandlade fonder (ETF: er) och börshandlade råvaror (ETC).

ETFer, eller börshandlade fonder som de kallas på svenska, är i allmänhet UCITS, som är öppna fonder som regleras av Ucits IV Directive som kan marknadsföras och säljas till privatinvesterare i hela den europeiska unionen. Direktivet har infört ett standardiserat ramverk om ökad öppenhet och diversifieringsgränser. ETC är inte UCITS eller fonder i sig, men de är berättigade till investeringar av UCITS, vilket är anledningen till att många multitillgångsfonder har innehav i ETCer.

ETC behöver inte diversifiera sina tillgångar

En ETC behöver enligt Ucits IV Directive inte diversifiera sina tillgångar på samma sätt som en ETF. Det är därför som en ETC kan erbjuda placerarna en specifik exponering mot en råvara som olja eller guld, alternativt mot ett valutapar som USDEUR eller USDGBP. De flesta råvarureplikerande ETFerna är därför formellt strukturerade som en ETC.

En ETC som replikerar utvecklingen av en ädelmetall är vanligen fysiskt uppbackad, medan de ETCer som erbjuder en exponering mot olja eller jordbruksprodukter i allmänhet är syntetiska. Det är framförallt lagringen av de underliggande tillgångarna som avgör detta. Det krävs betydligt mindre lagringsutrymme för guld till ett värde av 100 MUSD än för olja till ett värde av 100 MUSD. En ETC som replikerar utvecklingen av guldpriset köper i allmänhet guldtackor som förvaras i ett valv, ofta i allokerad form vilket betyder att det inte kan lånas ut till blankare och att det regelbundet inspekteras av en oberoende kontrollant.

En syntetiskt uppbackad guld ETC däremot äger inget fysiskt guld. Istället replikerar denna ETC utvecklingen av ett index uppbyggt på terminspriserna och ger placerarna en exponering mot prisrörelserna på det underliggande terminskontrakten. Syntetiska ETPer backas ofta upp av swappar, vilket betyder att utgivaren av ETCen har ingått ett avtal med en motpart som äger de underliggande tillgångarna men lämnar över avkastningen till ETCen mot en mindre avgift.

Fysiska och syntetiska ETPer ger exponering mot spotpriset och terminspriset

En investerare måste förstå skillnaden mellan en ETP som har en fysisk replikering och en ETP som har en syntetisk replikering. De erbjuder placerarna exponering mot samma råvara men mot olika priser. En ETP med en fysisk replikering erbjuder placerarna en exponering mot spotpriset, medan en ETP med en syntetisk replikering erbjuder placerarna en exponering mot terminspriset. Det betyder att avkastningen för en ETC som replikerar det fysiska guldpriset skall motsvara prisutvecklingen på guldpriset på spotmarknaden minus avgifter. En ETP med en syntetisk replikering som erbjuder placerarna en exponering mot terminspriset på råvaran ger investeraren en avkastning som motsvarar prisutvecklingen på det underliggande terminskontraktet, minus kostnader för förvaltningen och kostnaden för att rulla terminskontraktet. Det sistnämnda behövs för att kunna upprätthålla en kontinuerlig exponering mot den underliggande tillgången.

Ädelmetaller erbjuder en diversifiering i en portfölj

En investerare kan använda sig av ädelmetaller för att diversifiera sin portfölj, något som sänker risken. Forskning har visat att prisrörelserna i råvaror, särskilt ädelmetaller, har ett lågt samband till prisutvecklingen i traditionella tillgångsklasser, såsom aktier och räntebärande obligationer. Fördelarna med att diversifiera med ädelmetaller, till exempel guld, under några av de värsta perioderna av kursfall, är att det gör att depån inte faller i värde lika mycket som om den skulle vara fullinvesterad i aktier. Geopolitiska risker kan ofta utlösa osäkerheten på de globala aktiemarknaderna och ädelmetaller kan användas som en risksäkring inom portföljerna.

Börshandlade produkter, så kallade ETPer, har demokratiserat investeringslandskapet för privatinvesterare genom att öppna upp ett brett utbud av tillgångsklasser för dem. Då handeln med ETPer sker på börsen är det lika lätt för en investerare att köpa en ETP på börsen som det är att köpa en vanlig aktie. En ETP ger en enkel exponering mot metaller och andra råvaror.

OPEC Affirms Production Ceiling of 30mbd

OPEC Affirms Production Ceiling of 30mbd

ETF Securities Commodity ETP Weekly OPEC Affirms Production Ceiling of 30mbd

Long natural gas ETPs see highest inflows since December 2014.

Oil market glut drives US$37.2mn out of long oil ETPs.

We are hosting a webinar at 2pm today to cover Friday’s OPEC meeting featuring Amrita Sen, a renowned oil analyst from Energy Aspects – find out more and register.

Download the complete report (.pdf)

Agricultural commodities were the outperformers this week, with weather remaining a catalyst. In the case of coffee, the potential for crop damage during the Brazilian winter sparked fears of lower harvest. Wheat also posted a better than 7% gain for the week, as hard winter wheat quality dipped and the threat of rainfall potentially delaying harvests. With an El Niño expected to last most of this year, weather is likely to continue to be a source of volatility in agricultural markets this year. The OPEC cartel maintained the status quo as widely expected. A better-than-expected jobs report out on Friday in the US could place upward pressure on the US dollar and weigh on commodities this week.

Long natural gas ETPs see highest inflows since December 2014. Bargain hunters drove US$19.2mn into long natural gas ETPs as the price of US natural gas fell a further 3% last week (-7% in the past month). Gas in storage rose more than expected, driving its price lower. The US summer is a seasonal high demand period, driven by the need to power air conditioning. ETC investors appear to view the recent weakness in prices as an aberration and look for demand to strengthen during the course of the summer.

Oil market glut drives US$37.2mn out of long oil ETPs. A further US$3.8mn went into short oil ETPs, underscoring bearish sentiment. Investors widely anticipating the OPEC’s affirmation of its production ceiling of 30 million barrels per day, withdrew holdings of long oil. Managed money positions in ICE Brent crude futures have dropped by over 35% to the lowest level seen since early April. OPEC focused on the rising demand for oil as a supporting factor for its decision. In reality OPEC produces more than 31 million barrels per day, but the group claimed it will adhere to the ceiling more closely in the future, which was seen by some as a bullish signal. Nonetheless, we are skeptical. We believe that the market remains overly optimistic about the pace of supply tightening by non-OPEC producers and we could see a pull-back in price before supply does actually tighten later this year, potentially opening attractive entry points for investors. US stocks remain significantly elevated compared to longer term averages, despite rig counts falling by 60%. We acknowledge US commercial crude stocks are moving in the right direction after falling for the fifth consecutive week, but with the threat of Iran, Iraq and Syria ramping up production, the global glut could be extended.

The OPEC cartel promises to study the impact of falling investment on supply by its next meeting. It is currently concerned about the deferral of investment on oil production stability. OPEC has urged non-OPEC countries to also cooperate more in driving oil market stability. However, many markets including the shale industry in the US, do not have a forum for cooperation. These industries have many small firms operating independently. So it is doubtful that the cooperation the cartel is seeking will materialise. A possible outcome, as Saudi uses up more of its spare capacity, is that the more nimble US shale industry becomes the balancing agent in global oil supply when demand rises.

Key events to watch this week. A host of Chinese data ranging from inflation to exports to credit will give the market a sense for how the world’s largest consumer of commodities’ economy is faring. The USDA WASDE report will garner particular attention after the volatility in agricultural prices in recent weeks.

Video Presentation

Nitesh Shah, Research Analyst at ETF Securities provides an analysis of last week’s performance, flow and trading activity in commodity exchange traded products and a look at the week ahead.

For more information contact

ETF Securities Research team
ETF Securities (UK) Limited
T +44 (0) 207 448 4336

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This communication has been provided by ETF Securities (UK) Limited (”ETFS UK”) which is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority.

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Any products referenced in this document are generally aimed at sophisticated, professional and institutional investors. Any decision to invest should be based on the information contained in the prospectus (and any supplements thereto) of the relevant product issue. The price of any securities may go up or down and an investor may not get back the amount invested. Securities may valued in currencies other than those in which there are priced and will be affected by exchange rate movements. Investments in the securities which provide a short and/or leveraged exposure are only suitable for sophisticated, professional and institutional investors who understand leveraged and compounded daily returns and are willing to magnify potential losses by comparison to investments which do not incorporate these strategies. Over periods of greater than one day, investments with a short and/or leveraged exposure do not necessarily provide investors with a return equivalent to a return from the unleveraged long or unleveraged short investments multiplied by the relevant leverage factor. Investors should refer to the section entitled ”Risk Factors” in the relevant prospectus for further details of these and other risks associated with an investment in any securities referenced in this communication.

If you have any questions please contact ETFS UK at +44 20 7448 4330 or for more information.

Commodities at a Turning Point?

Commodities at a Turning Point?

Highlights Commodities at a Turning Point?

Gold ETPs saw first inflow in five weeks
Agricultural basket ETPs saw their largest inflows since January 2013
ETFS Daily Leveraged Natural Gas received US$10.0mn of inflows, the highest since February 2014
Price gains in industrial metals attracted flows into copper, while driving profit-taking elsewhere


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Most commodity prices bounced back last week, attracting flows into a diverse range of commodity ETCs from gold to agricultural baskets. Gold ETPs saw their first inflows in a month as dovish Federal Open Market Committee minutes led to dollar weakness, while weak German data renewed interest in the hard defensive assets. With the exception of cocoa, all agricultural prices rose last week. Agricultural baskets saw their largest inflows in 20 months, bringing the year-to-date flows into agricultural baskets into positive territory for the first time since April 2014.

Gold ETPs saw first inflow in five weeks. Gold ETPs received US$18.3mn of inflows last week as the price of gold rose 1.2% in US dollar terms, amid US currency weakness following the dovish Federal Reserve meeting minutes release. With gold prices having fallen close to the marginal cost of production and speculative futures market shorts positions having risen close to all-time highs, last week’s bounce could trigger a short-covering rally helping to sustain momentum in the upward trend. Additionally weak data from Germany unscored the fragile state of the Euro area, bolstering the case for further easing from the European Central Bank, which may strengthen demand for gold as a monetary metal. At the same time physical demand for the gold is likely to see a seasonal lift from the upcoming Diwali celebrations in India (23rd October).

Agricultural basket ETPs saw their largest inflows since January 2013. In particular, with US$22.7mn of inflows, ETFS Agriculture (AIGA) saw its largest inflow since inception (2006). That marks a decisive change in sentiment toward agricultural commodities, where speculative futures market shorts for wheat, corn, soy and sugar have risen to near-record highs amid bumper crop expectations. Corn prices rose 6.8% last week as US exports for the crop picked up strongly. Wheat ETPs saw their first outflow in 21 weeks. Investors had been steadily building positions in wheat as the price slid to the lowest level since 2010. Last week’s 2.2% bounce in price led to some profit-taking.

ETFS Daily Leveraged Natural Gas received US$10.0mn of inflows, the highest since February 2014. While most commodity prices rose last week, energy prices bucked the trend. With US natural gas prices falling a further 3.8% last week, investors bought leveraged exposure, expecting a seasonal increase in demand to shake out the bearish sentiment toward the commodity. Price gains in industrial metals attracted flows into copper, while driving profittaking elsewhere. With the exception of tin, all industrial metal prices rose last week.

ETFS Copper (COPA) received its first inflow in six weeks. Meanwhile profit taking saw US$11.1mn of outflows from ETFS Aluminium (ALUM), adding to the US$59.9mn of outflows the previous week, reversing all of the strong inflows we saw in July and August. ETFS Zinc (ZINC) saw US$2.9mn of outflows, the largest in eight weeks.

Key events to watch this week. A raft of Chinese economic data releases will help investors gauge the strength of the economy that drives the bulk of commodity demand globally. Chinese trade, loan growth, money supply growth, inflation and FX reserves growth data are due to be released next week. US retail sales will be closely watched as the Fed assesses the capacity of the US economy to accommodate rate increases next year.

Video Presentation


Nitesh Shah, Research Analyst at ETF Securities provides an analysis of last week’s performance, flow and trading activity in commodity exchange traded products and a look at the week ahead.

For more information contact

ETF Securities Research team
ETF Securities (UK) Limited
T +44 (0) 207 448 4336


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This communication has been provided by ETF Securities (UK) Limited (”ETFS UK”) which is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority.

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Risk Warnings

Any products referenced in this document are generally aimed at sophisticated, professional and institutional investors. Any decision to invest should be based on the information contained in the prospectus (and any supplements thereto) of the relevant product issue. The price of any securities may go up or down and an investor may not get back the amount invested. Securities may valued in currencies other than those in which there are priced and will be affected by exchange rate movements. Investments in the securities which provide a short and/or leveraged exposure are only suitable for sophisticated, professional and institutional investors who understand leveraged and compounded daily returns and are willing to magnify potential losses by comparison to investments which do not incorporate these strategies. Over periods of greater than one day, investments with a short and/or leveraged exposure do not necessarily provide investors with a return equivalent to a return from the unleveraged long or unleveraged short investments multiplied by the relevant leverage factor. Investors should refer to the section entitled ”Risk Factors” in the relevant prospectus for further details of these and other risks associated with an investment in any securities referenced in this communication.

If you have any questions please contact ETFS UK at +44 20 7448 4330 or for more information.